But, on to the recap of my goals for February:
1) Financial
- Stick to the budget - shockingly, we were under our budget for all major categories (dining out, groceries, gas, etc). Woohoo!
- Finalize house payoff model - we've made some progress, but this will be a continual work in progress.
- Come up with a new way to reduce what we need/spend on an ongoing basis - I've decided to do our taxes, which will save us about $700-750 this year
- Discuss 3, 5 & 10 year financial plan options - we have a few plans in place, including what I've described as "worst case scenario". The rest will be finalized as my job plans (or lack thereof) firm up.
- Finish our taxes - 95% of the way there. I'll use the weekend to really finish.
2) Family - spend more time together
- Do a minimum of one fun activity/month with the kids - we went skiing together!
- Be more present with the kids & M. Play games, minimize computer time, exercise together, etc. - we had a great ski vacation, but still struggle in the evenings. Nick & I also briefly went for a run together, so we had that as well.
- Have two dates with M - no, and this was a major failure that we need to resolve. We need time together!
3) Fitness/health
- Run 8 times - with being sick, I managed only 3 runs.
- Track calories & eat five servings of fruit & vegetables/day - I was at 4.4
- 28 workouts - I managed 17/28 workouts.
- 8 meditations - and, completed 5/8 meditations
4) Work/career - improve my work life balance
- Keep better perspective at work/reduce stress until I leave- eh, I did okay with this. Mostly because I had a vacation in there.
- Finalize sabbatical time off plans - I finalized dates for a Hawaii trip, which means I'll now be able to make progress.
- Meditate, workout, journal in 5 minute blocks as time permits. Shooting for six each. - I did okay with this, and both meditated & wrote in my journal, tried to have walking meetings, but the weather wasn't great for that.
5) Personal/creative
- Do something social at least once per month - nope. Had lunch plans with a friend, but had to push it out to March.
- Volunteer 1x/month - nope.
- Finish organizing all print & digital photos - ha. Nope. Didn't even really touch this one.
- Write/journal 8 times - Yes! I journaled 9 times.
- Read one non-fiction book - I'm halfway through with "Daring Greatly", which I've enjoyed.
And, that's it from my side. What about you? How did you do with your February goals?