Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Goals

It's hard for me to even imagine what August might bring, what with all of the craziness in July. :-) I'm thinking that August will be all about survival!

  1. Finalize move plans.
  2. Kick off home repair projects on our primary residence, so we can get it listed.
  3. Get the boys into the dentist before we leave.
  4. Enroll the boys in school.
  5. Move!
  6. Get together with at least five friends before we leave.
  7. Figure out my work situation (timing, especially).
  8. Make time for myself/relaxation to keep the stress in check:
    • 1000 minutes of cardio
    • 5 runs
    • 10 strength workouts
    • 8 stretching workouts
  9. Stick to my "use it up" menu plan, to cut costs and reduce waste.
  10. Enjoy my family (sister + nephews + parents + my boys) vacation at the beach house. It may be our last one, so I want to maximize the fun!
What are you hoping to accomplish in August? Any big goals?


  1. You are going to have one crazy August:) Good luck on your list!!

  2. Good luck with your move! I hope it goes smoothly for you :)

  3. What a month you're going to have! At least you have a fun family vacation to look forward to :)
