Saturday, June 7, 2014

June Goals!

I'm definitely late this month, but best just to get them posted & focus. It's now or never. :-)

Here we go!

  1. Run/walk 100 miles.
  2. Complete 1100 minutes of cardio.
  3. Complete 10 strength workouts.
  4. Complete 6 stretching workouts.
  5. Lose 3 lbs.
  6. Track my calories in MyFitnessPal every day.
  7. No treats at work (I've had one so far, so no more).
  8. Renew my passport.
  9. Book flights for all summer vacations.
  10. Get Father's Day/M's birthday stuff sorted out.
  11. Come up with financial plan to rebuild emergency fund/save for Hawaii - post the 2011 tax debacle.
  12. Stick to our monthly budget.
  13. Inventory our freezers.
  14. Get organized for summer camps (put together cheat sheets of locations/hours for each one, & what we need to bring, etc).
  15. Have a date night with M.
  16. Do something social with friends. Still trying to work on the meeting people aspect of moving. I now know a few moms, but not enough to really call anyone a slightly better than acquaintance. ;-) 
I think that's it! We also have a ton of produce getting ready to ripen in the garden (so excited!), so I'll be figuring out how to incorporate all of that into our weekly menus.

What's on your list of things to tackle in June? 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your goals! If you can figure out how to stick to a budget in the summer let me know. :)!
