Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy July! And, June Goal Update

I can't believe it's July already! And, bonus - picture of the kids at summer camp. Can't wait to pick them up tomorrow. I  miss them!! Can you tell that they were excited for their first solo overnight camp adventure? ;-)

I had some lofty goals for June. Here's how I did!

  1. Run/walk 100 miles.  - I got to 84 miles, so not too shabby. ;-) 
  2. Complete 1100 minutes of cardio. - Yes! I had an amazing cardio month, & finished with 1261 minutes. One of my highest ever, and definitely highest mark for 2014!
  3. Complete 10 strength workouts. - 8 workouts.
  4. Complete 6 stretching workouts.- 4 workouts.
  5. Lose 3 lbs. - Yes! I lost 3.5 lbs!
  6. Track my calories in MyFitnessPal every day. - Yes!
  7. No treats at work (I've had one so far, so no more). - I did well, with the exception of chocolates my coworker brought from France last week. Delicious!
  8. Renew my passport. - No. :-( I NEED to get this done.
  9. Book flights for all summer vacations. - Yes!
  10. Get Father's Day/M's birthday stuff sorted out.- Yes!
  11. Come up with financial plan to rebuild emergency fund/save for Hawaii - post the 2011 tax debacle. - Yes!
  12. Stick to our monthly budget. - Still sorting out the details, but the numbers look okay.
  13. Inventory our freezers. - ha ha. Yes! Post the great freezer (accidental) defrost. ;-) 
  14. Get organized for summer camps (put together cheat sheets of locations/hours for each one, & what we need to bring, etc). - Yes!
  15. Have a date night with M. - the boys are at summer camp, so we've been having a few happy hours/evenings out. It's been amazing!
  16. Do something social with friends. Still trying to work on the meeting people aspect of moving. I now know a few moms, but not enough to really call anyone a slightly better than acquaintance. ;-)  - I've been working out with a group of moms, & love it!

Alright! Looks like a pretty good month overall. The passport task remains. I have to go to Tokyo in September, so it's time to get myself into high gear & get this taken care of.

How about you? How was your June? Did you accomplish your goals? Big wins, or things you are carrying over from last month?


  1. You did fabulous! Good luck with meeting a group of friends. I have lived in Houston for almost 19 years and have not met anyone I would say is a friend, just acquaintances. It is very tough with a busy schedule.

    1. I agree - super hard to meet people. I have one person that I can see being friends with, but you have to let the relationship develop naturally. So, we'll see. Luckily, my sister & my other BFF &I all get together often, so that minimizes the need a bit.
