Thursday, July 3, 2014

July Goals

I'm excited about July - it's going to be a fun month! Here's what I have on my to do list/list of goals. :-)

  1. Fitness-related:
    1. Lose 2 pounds
    2. Track my calories every day in MyFitnessPal
    3. Complete 1000 minutes of cardio
    4. Complete 8 strength workouts
    5. Complete 6 stretch workouts
    6. Run/finish a half marathon
  2. Finance-related:
    1. Meet with a tax planner
    2. Rework our budget to take into account yearly categories (vs solely focusing on monthly numbers)
    3. Stick to our budget!
    4. Stick to vacation budget on girls trip to Las Vegas.
    5. Sell 2 bikes on Craigslist, and put the money in the boys activity fund (help offset their expensive soccer club).
    6. File all paperwork.
  3. Personal
    1. Finalize all nanny details. 
    2. Get passport picture taken, and get this renewed.
    3. Sort out vacation hours at work.
    4. Get to the dentist & doctor for regular check ups. I've been putting these off due to work conflicts. :-(
    5. At least one date night with M.
    6. Rework my schedule at work to better accommodate evening meetings (consolidate them all into one evening to minimize disruption to my life).
    7. Use or freeze all fresh produce from the garden.
I think that's more than enough! What about you? What are you focusing on this month? 


  1. That's definitely quite a list :) Good luck in July! My biggest plan is to figure out the nursery what we need for it and the approximate budget. Other than that, I'm taking it easy here :)

    1. Planning for a nursery sounds fun! And, you definitely need to be taking it easy - rest up. :-)

  2. Seriously, I think you are wonder woman in the flesh. We try and budget for our big bills (insurance/house tax and investment program) all year as it all comes due in June and July. I have a separate account where I tuck it all then just have a list of what that fund consists of on good old fashioned paper. Be sure to schedule in some fun and relaxation this month - its summer!!

    1. Ha - I wish! I like goals & structure, and don't worry about hitting every last thing on my list. I also find that working out regularly really increases my productivity. I need to figure out our yearly bill situation - I break it into monthly amounts, and then don't track it, so over spend, then am left without the money when the actual time comes. ;-)
