Monday, March 19, 2018

Frugal Friday - the late edition

It's been a few weeks since I've posted, so here are a few things we managed to accomplish. It's a marathon, not a sprint, right?

  • Used a combination of a companion fare (offered through our flight credit card) + miles to book four tickets for Christmas, saving $538.
  • After we had to turn around on our ski trip (pass was closed due to avalanche control), we were able to get our money back on the lift tickets ($330). This was extremely awesome news, as they are non-refundable.
  • Returned the ski pants I didn't end up needing (no skiing)
  • Sold a watch for $307 (after shipping fees)
  • Received a $20 credit for price matching flights. Will use for future travel. I haven't done this in a while & need to remember to go back & fill out the price matching weekly. The one flight I thought I could skip (because the tickets were so cheap to start with) actually yielded the $20 credit. Who knew.
  • Booked a flight for an October trip using frequent flier miles + $11 of the $20 noted above to cover the taxes. Paid $0 out of pocket. 
  • Used a Starbucks gift card to cover snacks + breakfast on my trip with my mom & sister
  • Made pizza at home for my son's birthday meal
We had a few expensive weeks in there, and pre-booked a lot of travel to take advantage of expiring deals, so it was nice to have a few wins. What about you - any frugal wins to report?


  1. I just discovered the price drop credit thing myself and got back $120 in travel credit for a trip I'd booked partially with a combination of travel credit and companion fare pass so that was really nice!

    1. Nice! It's great to stay on top of it, and get those unexpected funds back for future travel. Who doesn't like more travel? :-)

  2. The day after I bought furniture on I checked their website to see it even cheaper. I called and received a $112 credit. Woohoo!
