Sunday, December 29, 2019

Frugal Friday/Sunday

I'm late getting up my frugal Friday post, but better late than never. Here are the frugal wins for the week:

Saving on things we buy

  • We stumbled on a huge sale on ski clothes, so we picked up a few things we needed. We were also able to get hiking shoes for both kids (they need for a camp they are attending, and Sam is going to a school field trip at Yosemite). They were 1/3 of the price I'd been expecting to pay. 
  • I also used a $5 Uber reward (mostly earned from work travel) towards our trip to the airport on Saturday
Earning money

  • I found a quarter on the ground, but that's pretty much all I can think of. 

Avoiding spending

  • Packed sandwiches for lunch on the flight to Portland. No matter how much I pack, it's never enough for the kids. ;-) They each ended up getting a piece of pizzas. The adults managed to avoid purchased food.
  • We've also avoided most eating out while on vacation. However, both kids had a "snack" at Costco (hot dog/pizza), even after eating lunch before we went. They are teen boys. *shrug*

We've had an absolutely fabulous time with my parents, my sister, etc. Tomorrow we'll head to Portland to briefly meet up with my nephews before we fly home. It's been such a lovely trip. What about you? Any frugal wins for the week?


  1. Well I am proud to say we did not eat out once while the kids were here. We did go and get pizzas one night, the night we did all the baking.

  2. Oh I can see it coming, my son has been wanting to eat a second dinner at 9 pm as he just feels hungry again!
