Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Happenings

 I'm heading out shortly to a workout class, and trying to enjoy coffee before our leave. Our espresso machine was purchased when Sam was born (there's a reason we started drinking coffee, and it's related to our first sweet baby, who never, ever slept ;-)), & is giving me trouble today. We'll see if M can fix it. On the financial side, what an incredible investment that's been. M makes 3-4 espressos per day (I had 2 for quite a while, and am down to 1). Either way, over 17 years, the amortization of that purchase makes it incredibly reasonable. We've had it serviced once (it didn't enjoy the moving process), but otherwise, M maintains it.

Other things that are happening here today/tomorrow:

  • Pick up items for the menu this week. We have a few odd items that can't be purchased at our normal Costco shop, so I'll run around to grab those items.
  • Clean the house
  • Volunteer at a food pantry donation. Sam goes regularly, but they are desperate for people this week, so I'll join as well.
  • Work out (fitness class today, 6 mile run tomorrow)
  • Lots of laundry
  • Watch Wimbledon. Nick & M are obsessed
  • Try on a few things for upcoming trips. Make a packing list.
  • Make a list for Sam's senior pictures
  • Find 10 items to give away on BN
  • List 2 items on eBay
  • Work in the yard (hopefully, before it gets so hot)
  • Come up with a training plan for the rest of the weeks before my relay (end of August)
  • Work on France travel logistics
What about you? What are you up to this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. anne in the kitchenJuly 16, 2023 at 7:36 AM

    I think you have gotten your money's worth out of the espresso machine. I had one of those non-sleeping infants, so I understand fully the need for caffeine.
