Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mid month goal check in

I meant to post these weekly, but ... life! It's not quite mid-month, but here's how I'm doing on my May goals anyway.


  • Sort out cash flow & remaining 2024 budget, post severance numbers - I now have my severance numbers, and our cash flow looks to be sorted out for 2024. Given my severance was bigger than expected, I will likely put the additional money in a CD, for a future bathroom remodel. 
  • Earn $300 in side hustle - $137.87
  • Pantry/freezer challenge: use up fish sticks, pureed bananas & the rest of a bag of cranberries - I used some of the fish sticks, but that's all so far. 
  • Figure out how to maximize expiring travel rewards - I made good progress with one of the United credits (expiring soonest) & have a few ideas about the remaining larger credit. 
  • Get Sam registered for orientation & finalize housing contract - done & done!
  • Help Nick with college tasks & finalize work back schedule - we have been focused on other stuff so far this month, so not yet. 
  • AP test prep (both) & SAT prep (Nick) - all AP tests are done, & SAT for May is complete!
  • Have a great & on budget trip to Sedona with my mom - Yes!
  • Finalize the rest of our summer plans - mostly done
  • Plan one fun activity with the boys - I'm thinking of something over Memorial Day weekend


  • 10 stretching workouts - 1/10
  • Lose 3 lbs - 1/3 lost
  • 12 strength training workouts - 7/12
  • Follow the No S diet - It always takes me a few days to get back on track after a trip, but otherwise doing well
  • Run 70 miles - 27/70 
  • Get together with friends - met a friend for a very early hike, and another friend for a workout & coffee
  • Practice Farsi 20 times - 11/20
  • Declutter 100 items from the house - 49/100
  • Meditate daily - mostly on track, minus a few days with traveling
  • Continue exploring various jobs - I'm working on some training for a volunteer role I'm pretty excited about!
  • Finish soccer volunteering project - will be done on Thursday!
  • Read blog on building a life without work - haven't read this yet

What about you? How are you doing on your May goals? 


  1. HP, I am remiss in thanking you for writing about your weekly frugal accomplishments tracking system. I did appreciate your addressing that topic, and I also appreciate your listing a blog post to read on today's post. I have been "building a life without work" for many years, and I constantly wonder how I ever had the time and energy to work outside the home! I retired early at age 53 due to a fortunate series of events, and I am so glad that I did. Very few people are in a position to retire that early, and I never forget that I'm in a very lucky minority. Hope you can achieve that goal as well if that is your dream!

    1. Thank you! I love to hear about someone living their best & intentional life - well done! Barring some sort of catastrophe, i'm hoping not to have to have another career job. I'm open to part time, flexible jobs, or just a job I want to try out because it sounds interesting & fun. In the interim, I'm doing some volunteer stuff I'm excited about. Thanks for sharing! (HP)

  2. May goals are coming along, though things will slow down now that planting season has arrived. I still hope to get a few more of the simpler ones done.

    God bless.

  3. You're humming along. I'm looking forward to when I can really hike- I'm hopeful I'll have one of the good recoveries. Both your trip and friends meetup are inspiring.

  4. You have a nice first half month and accomplished a ton, even if you don't feel like you did.
