Monday, July 22, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 Another week, and another menu plan. Hopefully I have more success than last week, as I ended up pushing a bunch of stuff to this week, and M & the boys ordered pizza while I was gone. ;-) 

  • Friday - ravioli & meatballs, topped with lots of fresh garden tomatoes
  • Saturday - chicken alfredo (pushed from last week)
  • Sunday - grilled burgers
  • Monday - leftover chicken alfredo
  • Tuesday - chicken & rice dish (pushed from last week
  • Wednesday - leftover burgers
  • Thursday - leftover chicken & rice dish
  • Friday - heading to Portland for Sam's orientation, so something at the airport
What's on your menu this week? Any fun new additions? Favorite recipe for freshly grown tomatoes? We're having lots of caprese salads, but I'm open to other options!

1 comment:

  1. I love a tomato salad I made last week. It becomes the whole meal.
