Monday, August 26, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 I'm late to the party this week, as Sam & I got home late from Portland last night. He did absolutely fantastic in the relay, despite it being 33 & sleeting his first leg! He started at the top of Mt. Hood. He says his second leg was the hardest, as he was already sore. He's definitely hobbling today, but says he would love to do it again. Love how flexible that kid is!

Menu Plan:

  • Friday - I was with my mom at my sister's house, and we had a charcuterie tray & a slice of leftover pizza
  • Saturday - I ordered Thai food for the runners, and we had that before everyone crashed. 
  • Sunday - M grilled burgers, and thank goodness he made a lot, because Nick had two friends over last minute. they each had 3 giant cheeseburgers! And, 1/2 a Costco watermelon. ;-) 
  • Monday - I defrosted chicken marsala, and will make fresh pasta to go with it. 
  • Tuesday - leftover chicken yakisoba (freezer)
  • Wednesday - spaghetti & meatballs
  • Thursday - tacos
  • Friday - TBD
What's on your menu this week?


  1. Oh, wow! Sam really put in some work! I just can't even imagine it being 33 degrees and sleeting in August! Wow!

  2. My menu is trying to use up leftovers as usual and get the fridge clean for two weeks from now when we go away for a bit...... Seems like I am also trying to use up things from the garden as well.

    God bless.

  3. Last night, thinking a kid was going to have oral surgery today, I let him pick the meal. He picked tuna casserole, and I also made peanut butter ice cream. Today, it turns out the appointment was for a consultation only. He and DH still for dinner at a local Italian place on the way home, since kid hadn’t eaten or drank anything since 2 a.m. They brought home hot chicken salads. I was reminded of why I find eating out so disappointing. Going forward is mahi mahi, lentils and rice, roast chicken, grilled steaks, and that’s about all I have planned. With DD at school, we can add some things she just despised. She is the closest thing we have to a picky eater.

  4. Teens can really put the food away. Lol
