Friday, August 2, 2013

Crossing my fingers for a productive weekend

because, I realized on my way home from work tonight that this is our last weekend all together in our house. And yes, I cried when I figured that out. Here's what's happening between now & move weekend (tentatively - still waiting on official move date sign off from the relo company):
  • This weekend - decluttering, prioritizing what we want to bring with us in the car vs moving into temporary storage. These items will be inaccessible for three months, so quite a bit of work needs to go into the planning.
  • Next weekend - M & I are dropping the kids off in Portland to stay with my sister, and then heading to San Francisco to look at neighborhoods.
  • Weekend of the 16th - M is heading to Las Vegas for a final hurrah/goodbye party with some friends, & I have my annual family beach trip with my sister, parents, nephews, etc & of course, my boys.
  • Weekend of the 23rd - M is going to drive our (fully) loaded SUV with everything we need for three months, while our furniture is in storage.
  • M starts work on Monday, 8/26.
  • 8/30 - movers pack our house.
  • 8/31 - the boys & I fly to San Francisco
What remains, of course, is all of the work that needs to be done to get our primary residence ready to rent, and we're not even tackling our vacation house right now. One step at a time. ;-)

Here's my (optimistic) to do list for tomorrow only. I'll make a separate list for Sunday based on what I accomplish tomorrow.

  1. Make banana muffins to clear out all the extra bananas, stock the freezer so M has something to take with him to San Francisco. He's obsessed with having a homemade muffin for breakfast every morning. ;-)
  2. Work out. I've been slacking off on my work outs, & it makes me feel out of shape, but also impacts my stress level. It's a must do tomorrow.
  3. Take the boys to a bouncy house party at our gym. Something fun to reward them with, if they behave while we're working all day. ;-)
  4. List two dressers on Craigslist - listing them for free so they'll go fast.
  5. M needs to make a minimum of two trips to drop off donations.
  6. Go through the boys toys - again.
  7. Go through our filing cabinet - shred anything we don't need.
  8. Find paperwork for the boys schooling (I think I need their birth certificates, etc).  
  9. Clean off bookshelf in our spare room - list on Craigslist.
  10. Update menu plan for next week based on what's available.
  11. Package up eBay sales & take to post office.
  12. Go through my closet.
  13. Start packing items in bins that we will drive to California.

I think that will do it. ;-) Any fun plans for the weekend? 


  1. Wow! That's quite a list. Are you planning on renting out your current house?

  2. I am seeing two of my grandsons tomorrow---at the airport 2 1/2 hours away----for about an hour as they cruise through on the way to the other grandparents. In preparation I have: Baked lactation & regular cookies, purchased diapers and wipes, purchased drinks for their car ride and cleaned out the fridge. Cleaning of the fridge has to do with them coming here mid week- so tomorrow at 7 am we are going shopping for the gang! It will be a wild weekend.
    I have moved so many times my eyes cross. We lived in a hotel for two months when our kids were 5&7. We were glad we brought a whole suitcase of their favorite toys. Forget the crayons and pencils- they are easy to replace. We did not pack as many clothes as one would think- we did more laundry. I was glad we packed an entire suitcase of kitchen stuff- it is expensive to do without when we moved in. Swim suits, walking shoes, flip flops, dressy dress for going out.... we did it in six suit cases. You can do it! Are you sure you want to get rid of your bookcase? We always seem to replace those....

    1. How exciting- hope your visit with the grandkids was fabulous! :-)

      Our bookcase is 7 feet tall. Don' task me why my husband bought it - if we need a small one, I have no problem getting it, but this thing is a monster! :-)

  3. I feel for you. We had over six months to plan our big move out and it was still tough. You guys are moving so fast!

    1. It is so fast. I'll be very happy when the month ends! The crazy part is, I'll go from complete chaos to not having a job for the first time in 20 years. Now, that will be quite an adjustment. ;-)

  4. I don't envy your weekend! Seems like a LOT of work! Even if you can get some stretching in (if time runs out) it will make you feel better. Lots of deep stomach breathing.

    1. I was thinking of you today - & did get in some stretching. I have a foam roller that I use for my back, & it definitely helps!
