Saturday, August 3, 2013

The moving craziness continues!

Well, on the house front, at least. M & I both worked all day (save for a quick workout on my end) & the house is coming together (or, apart, maybe?) as a result.

Below is the list of tasks I hoped to accomplish today.

  1. Make banana muffins to clear out all the extra bananas, stock the freezer so M has something to take with him to San Francisco. He's obsessed with having a homemade muffin for breakfast every morning. ;-)
  2. Work out. I've been slacking off on my work outs, & it makes me feel out of shape, but also impacts my stress level. It's a must do tomorrow.
  3. Take the boys to a bouncy house party at our gym. Something fun to reward them with, if they behave while we're working all day. ;-)
  4. List two dressers on Craigslist - listing them for free so they'll go fast.
  5. M needs to make a minimum of two trips to drop off donations.
  6. Go through the boys toys - again.
  7. Go through our filing cabinet - shred anything we don't need.
  8. Find paperwork for the boys schooling (I think I need their birth certificates, etc).  
  9. Clean off bookshelf in our spare room - list on Craigslist.
  10. Update menu plan for next week based on what's available.
  11. Package up eBay sales & take to post office. - They haven't paid yet.
  12. Go through my closet.
  13. Start packing items in bins that we will drive to California.
I completed all of the tasks on my to do list, short of the eBay post office run - buyers haven't paid. I made six dozen banana, now fondly known as "temp housing banana muffins". :-) I worked out, took the boys to a party at our gym, sold three things on Craigslist, listed another item on eBay, made lunch & dinner for the crew, & I am truly exhausted! I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a few weeks, so fingers crossed I can get some quality sleep in tonight.

Annnnnnnd, on to tomorrow's list. :-) I'll be very happy when August is over!

  1. Work out.
  2. Yoga - my back is killing me after all of the house work, so I need to stretch out.
  3. Take the boys to the bouncy house party at our gym. They need to get out of the house at some point during the day, so this is their reward for good behavior while we work. ;-)
  4. Make a loaf of bread.
  5. Make pizza dough.
  6. Go through my paperwork and "random" piles that I've created. I've gotten rid of quite a few pieces of furniture, so various small items that I needed to keep are now stacked throughout the house, & need to be sorted & organized.
  7. Take one more tour through my closet.
  8. One more pass through the boys toys.
  9. Clean out spare room before my uncle returns. Again, we cleaned off a bookshelf so we could sell it, and now the "contents" are spread all over.
  10. If my eBay items are paid, package & drop off at the post office.
  11. Buy flights for next weekend. We need flights that: leave after I get off work, have a layover in Portland (so we can drop off the kids), & get in to San Francisco at a reasonable hour. So far, we've come up empty. ;-)
  12. Work on car packing list - everything we'll need for the three months when our belongings are in storage.
  13. Take another pass through our bedroom/bathroom.
  14. Go through boys bathroom.
I think that will keep me busy! What about you? Did you have a great Saturday? Hopefully you were having more fun than me. ;-)


  1. You sound busy! Our Saturday wasn't much fun either. We were at Home Depot getting stuff for the house. Ugh.

    We are in the process of packing up our first level to get our floors refinished. I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff too. It's a good exercise to get the house decluttered.

    Try to take some time out to work out. You will feel better!

    1. I'm with you - I love the progress we're making on the decluttering. The house feels so "light"! But, it's a ton of work. That is for sure. :-)

  2. I packed up china today to empty my dining room hutch....part of cleaning out the living/dining room in prep for the room repairs/painting/molding/flooring that will be going on in there when we get back from our trip.
    I am going to call Salvation Army and donate the hutch and the dining room table and chairs too so I have to pack up what was in the bottom of the hutch now too.
    I am so tempted to just give everything in it to charity

    Get some rest girl!

    1. I think I am going to ditch my china! We've never used it, & we will definitely have a smaller house in California. Can't imagine using it there!
