Here's what I accomplished this month!
- Fitness-related:
- Lose 2 pounds - I lost 1.5 lbs! I'll take it. :-)
- Track my calories every day in MyFitnessPal - Yes!
- Complete 1000 minutes of cardio - I completed 765 minutes, after taking almost a week off around my half marathon.
- Complete 8 strength workouts - Yes, I did 11 strength workouts.
- Complete 6 stretch workouts - Ack. This obviously wasn't a focus in July, because I only did 1! Shameful. No wonder my back is tight these days.
- Run/finish a half marathon - Yes! Woohoo!! It was an exciting moment. :-)
- Finance-related:
- Meet with a tax planner - Yes!
- Rework our budget to take into account yearly categories (vs solely focusing on monthly numbers) - I've started this project, but it's not yet complete. In progress.
- Stick to our budget! - Definitely no. We had lots of unplanned car expenses this month.
- Stick to vacation budget on girls trip to Las Vegas. - Yes!
- Sell 2 bikes on Craigslist, and put the money in the boys activity fund (help offset their expensive soccer club). - Nope.
- File all paperwork. - Nope.
- Personal
- Finalize all nanny details.
- Get passport picture taken, and get this renewed. - Just under the radar - I did this yesterday!
- Sort out vacation hours at work. - Yes. Unpleasant, but done.
- Get to the dentist & doctor for regular check ups. I've been putting these off due to work conflicts. :-( - Both appointments are next week. On the calendar & booked!
- At least one date night with M.- Yes!
- Rework my schedule at work to better accommodate evening meetings (consolidate them all into one evening to minimize disruption to my life). - I've done an "okay" job at this. My schedule is very unpredictable, so even when I iron things out for one week, the next week is different. This makes it hard to plan and harder to keep a family schedule. Let's call this an ongoing work in progress.
- Use or freeze all fresh produce from the garden. - I've been a cooking fool, but yes. As far as I can tell, everything is getting eaten, and/or made into things for the freezer.
That's all for me. How did you do with your goals this month? I'm now looking forward to focusing on August!