Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August Goals

 I'm hoping for a much more successful August than July, in terms of goal completion! Here's what's I'm hoping to accomplish this month.


  • Achieve savings goals
  • Confirm that M's BA miles were extended
  • Sort out united credit plan
  • Freezer challenge: get rid of a minimum of six items (my freezer is packed!)
  • Have a successful back to school (last one for K-12!) for Nick
  • Help Nick with college/essay applications
  • Help Sam with college readiness & have him decide what to bring to college & what to leave behind
  • Plan one fun family activity (Nick's choice, as a reward for winning the Presidential Volunteer Award)
  • Finish Hood to Coast relay with Sam (very much TBD until I see if I can participate, due to hip injury)
  • Start PT for hip & back issues
  • Stretch 12 times
  • 12 strength workouts
  • Follow the No S diet 22 days & track calories daily


  • Meditate 20 times
  • Get together with friends
  • Practice Farsi 20 times
  • Declutter 25 items
  • Continue exploring jobs
  • Spend time on volunteer role
  • Help sister & friend with financial planning activities
What about you? What's on your list of goals for August?


    1. So you are suffering hip and back issues. Welcome to my club sister.

      1. I want out of this club! I have gluteal tendinopathy, which is absolutely zero fun. Hope you are feeling better. (HP)

    2. My list is somewhat simple.
      1. Walk four hours a week and don’t trip ( don’t ask)
      2. Try not to lose my cool during trial week (another don’t ask)
      3. Try to lose my cool with annoying extended family members ( yet another don’t ask) ….. this summer has been a trip to Dante’s Hell as far as 101 degrees temperatures with heat indexes of around 110. Cindy in the South

      1. Sounds like it's going to be a month! Sending you good thoughts for strength throughout the month. You've got this, Cindy! (HP)
