Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday Happenings

I had one good interview yesterday, and one interview where the recruiter never showed. This is the second time with this recruiter where he posts his calendar, asks me to select a spot, I choose one, and he....never joins the call. Last time claimed he messed up the time zones (he's in India). Fair enough, forgiven the first time. He apologized last time & pushed me hard to reschedule. I never even heard back from him after yesterday's snafu. Well, that tells me everything I need to know about the company. Also, as a recruiter, you have one job. If I were the hiring manager for this role, I would be so frustrated to know how my recruiter was handling (or, not handling) things. Anyway, oh well. 

I briefly spoke to Sam, after his academic orientation. He asked me to put additional dining dollars on his meal plan. ;-) I'm so happy that guy is having fun, meeting people & getting ready for classes tomorrow. Nick also starts his dual enrollment class at the local community college today, and he's looking forward to that. 

Otherwise, here's what I'm up to:

  • Follow up on networking emails/texts
  • Sort out eBay fail. I posted shoes (shoes from England) that were DH's, but used the wrong sizing. The buyer & I sorted it out, but not until I'd paid $20 for postage. Sigh. Totally my fault, and honestly, I'd put off listing these shoes because I knew they would be a hassle. I need DH to help me with a few things today, and maybe I will at least cover the postage & a bit more. Now I'm invested in getting these things sold. ;-) 
  • Work out class
  • Pick up ant bait at the hardware store. This is an ongoing problem at our house.
  • Figure out what chargers work for two old tablets. I'm hoping to sell them on Amazon, but need to know if they even power up. Otherwise, I'll put them in the e-waste, but hope to avoid that if they can be used. 
  • Set up an Ortho appointment for Nick
That's it from my side. What about you? What are you hoping to accomplish today? 


  1. That is too bad about the shoes, though understandable how the UK sizing/US sizing conversion could be bumbled.
    Glad Sam has adjusted easily! And hope Nick has a wonderful year.

    1. I'm annoyed with myself, because I went back & forth on the sizing. Grrrr. Anyway, no one was hurt through the process, so maybe I could let it go. ;-) I hate silly mistakes.

      Sam has reached out on his own 2x, both to ask for either money or flexible dining credits. Total college student! Classes start tomorrow, so it's about to get real for him. Nick is really enjoying his senior year, so fingers crossed that continues! (HP)
