Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Night Chit Chat

Happy Sunday. Thanks to Carla for hosting the Sunday Night Chit Chat.

In honor of our trip to Hawaii this week, here are a few pictures of the boys at a luau (for school) a few years back.

  • Reading - I'm currently reading . . . nothing, but I'm extremely excited to get on the plane & start reading my two new books & magazines! I did, however read a People magazine while getting a pedicure yesterday. I know, fine literature. :-)
  • Watching - I'm helping N with his homework, so just watching him make shapes & patterns.
  • Cooking/Baking - We're having tacos tonight, & leftover spaghetti & meatballs tomorrow. No cooking, really. Just trying to clean out the fridge before we leave.
  • Happy you accomplished this week? - Except for the very last minute things, we're packed! And, I ran 5 miles today for the first time in A LONG time. It made me feel awesome. Except, I'm starving!! I also transitioned all of my work at my old job, & I'm officially fully started at my new job on Monday. SO happy about that.
  • Looking forward to next week? - I'm thinking, a six day trip to Hawaii? :-)
  • Thankful for today? - for all of the laughter in my house.
  • Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they?
  • - Yes! I love to run & exercise, bake, and really, I do love to read. It's clear from these posts that I'm not doing enough of it! :-)

    1. So jealous! We love Hawaii and would love to go back someday! I look forward to reading about your trip:)

      1. Thank you. We've been trying to plan a trip for a few years, so we're very happy we could finally make it work. Just in time for our anniversary. :-)

    2. 6 days on Hawaii! Are you perhaps in need of a nanny to go with you!? ;) Soo exciting! I hope you'll take & share a lot of pics!!

      1. Oooh, yes! Definitely a nanny. We're trying to find a way so we can have lunch (just the adults) one afternoon. We think the kids might do a swimming activity one day so we can break off for at least 2 hours of adult time. That's not asking too much, right? :-)

    3. Wow, you ran and packed, you are my hero!

      1. I'm sure I would have been your hero when I nearly collapsed on the treadmill, frantically grasping for the stop button at the end of the run, panting, sweating, dripping on the machine, & smelling like a delicate flower. ;-) I am not an attractive runner. At all.
