Saturday, December 8, 2012

One week into December

I can't believe it's already the 8th, so let's do a quick goal check on my December goals.

  1. Complete 1,000 minutes of cardio, 10 strength, & 5 stretch workouts. - The month is 25% over, & I'm 25% of the way to my goal (255 minutes so far). On track!
  2. Finish my 12K! - This is slated for next weekend.
  3. Decorate the house for the holidays, & mail all Christmas cards. - Done!
  4. Lose 5 lbs (bringing me to 142). - I've lost 1.2 lbs, so I'm about 25% of the way to goal. ROUGHLY on track, but the rest of the month has lots of festivities. Need to make a huge push on this next week with my eating.
  5. Finalize 2013 goals & budget. - Yes! You can read about my 2013 goals here, and our 2013 budget here.
  6. Have one date night with M. - With our December calendar, I can't imagine that we'll get a chance for a date night, so we've scheduled to lunches!
  7. Get together with two friends. - Yes! I've gotten together with 3 friends so far, & lots of other activities still to come.
  8. Update/amend our 2011 taxes based on the $16K repayment issue. - Waiting on our revised W-2.
  9. Stick to our December budget. - So far so good!
  10. Clean out my closet & both boys closets. - Yeah, haven't started yet.
  11. Put together our will & guardianship (at least a draft). - Yeah, haven't started yet.
  12. Go to at least 5 holiday events with the kids! Lots of choices in our area - a parade that happens every night, a botanical garden decorated with lights, & a kids museum with a special gingerbread house exhibit. - We've been to two so far - the parade & the gingerbread house exhibit. Also, lots of looking at Christmas lights, & maybe some cookie baking this week.

Overall, things are going very well. I set a couple of other "bonus" goals - running 20 miles/week (a warm up for 2013, where that's a goal for the year) & posting about each budget category. So far, I'm on track with those as well. More to come!

How are you doing on your December goals?

1 comment:

  1. December does seem to be flying're doing really well so far!
