I've been fine tuning my 2013 goals a bit, & have a few minor tweaks. I've combined a few goals that go together & made some goals more actionable by clearly defining what I hope to achieve & how to get there. (If you're reading between the lines, I love goals, love to push myself, & consolidated in order to give myself additional goals while still staying within my requirement of only having 13.) :-)
- Lose 12 pounds, bringing my weight to 135. I'm trying to shoot for a healthy, but realistic number.
- Track my food/exercise every day in My Fitness Pal.
- Improve my fitness by doing the following:
- Complete 13,000 minutes of cardio. This will be a huge stretch goal for me, but I'm ready for the challenge!
- Complete 100 strength workouts.
- Complete 100 stretching workouts.
- Run consistently, as measured by the following:
- Run 10 races. I have a few in mind, but basically want to challenge myself to really maintain my running endurance throughout the year.
- Run 20 miles (or more per week).
- Run 1000 miles in 2013.
- Achieve a personal best in a half marathon.
- Run a 5K, 10K, 15K, & potentially a 30K.
- Reach 50% of our boys college fund savings. This will take around $10,000, depending on the tuition price fluctuation.
- Pay $50,000 of principal on our mortgages.
- Have one date night per month with M, & get together with two friends per month.
- Track our spending, stick to our budget, & continue the monthly reports.
- Review our charitable contributions, & increase our yearly giving by 10%.
- Organize one room in our house per month.
- Learn to bake bread (bagels, english muffin bread, sandwich bread). This is partially because I'd like to trim our grocery budget, but also because it's something I've tried & failed at before & just want to improve.
- Create/finalize will & guardianship papers. I hesitated even adding this to my goals, as I've failed at this for the last two years. But, it's important enough that I'm adding it again.
- Generate $1,000 in "side hustle", loosely defined as anything outside my normal paycheck, for the year. I've never tracked this before, so keeping the bar low. The money will be used to convert my grandmother's old movies into DVDs, and the rest will go towards my sister's 40th birthday trip.
And, here's a picture of me with M, last year, on the slopes. :-)
What are your goals for 2013? I love reading about all of your aspirations & ideas!