1) Financial - Figure out our housing situation, and get it all resolved (i.e. moved, job changes as needed) before school starts. - Bought a house, moved, & sold our other house!
- Decide what to do with our Seattle house. Contingent upon location.
- Move!
- Build/follow a 2017 "interim budget" (until I leave my job) & a 2017 "post-job budget", after.
- Inventory & track our various stockpiles, so we reduce waste & minimize what we need to move.
- Every month, come up with a new way to reduce what we need on an ongoing basis. Examples I've kicked around: find an alternative to all of the ziplock bags/plastic wraps we use for kid lunches. Put a container in the shower to save water for the yard. Collect rain in buckets. Create a compost bucket for the kitchen, so it's easy to compost food scraps. All of these are meant to be permanent changes, so not focused on one time savings.
- Do a minimum of one fun activity/month with the kids. This can be family puzzle night, cooking dinner together, board games, going out somewhere, etc.
- Be more present with the kids & M - play games, minimize computer time, exercise together, etc.
- Have two dates with M per month (one lunch, one evening)
- Make running a consistent part of my life. Build & follow a training plan.
- Eat five servings of fruit & vegetables (combined) per day
- Complete 10,000 minutes of cardio
- Complete 50 strength workouts.
- Complete 50 stretching workouts. Make yoga a consistent part of my life.
- Keep better perspective at work/reduce stress (until I leave)
- Determine an end date for my job.
- Take time off from my job.
- Learn a new skill. I'm thinking of learning a new language, but would be fine with anything: sewing, knitting, expanding my baking, etc.
- Make time for my friends. Do something social at least once per month.
- Volunteer a minimum of 1x/month.
All in all, work & the move/house stuff dominated 2017, so it shouldn't be a big surprise that I did "okay" on the other goals. I'm hoping that 2018 will bring more house stability, enabling me to focus more on my health & solve my work situation.
I'm working on my 2018 goals now, and like to create a few drafts & then edit them over time. What about you? How have you done on your 2017 goals? Are you already thinking of 2018?
I am amazed at the number of things you marked off the list and also the number of in progress items. You had a great year. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!