Sunday, September 16, 2018

Getting things done to get ahead

We had a super productive day yesterday, which allows us a bit of flexibility on our "to do list" for today. M was gone, so the kids & I did the following: I worked out, went to Costco, went to Safeway & the produce stand, took the kids to two soccer games, did returns at two separate malls (yuck, I hate shopping) & then cleaned the entire house. I challenged myself to be as productive as possible, so that we could relax a bit today. Mission accomplished!

I leave for Tokyo tomorrow, so need to wrap up a couple of things. Here's what I'm planning to do today:

  • Run 8 miles
  • Finish packing
  • Laundry
  • Make 3 dozen muffins
  • Meet M's cousin/kids for ice cream
  • Have the boys call my parents
  • Make butternut squash soup + goat cheese crostini for dinner
  • Go to the library, return all books & get new books
  • I also need to run to Rite Aid to pick up something for my stomach before my flight. It's hard to find even the most basic over the counter medicine when it's not in English ;-)

That's it on my side. I love having a productive day, and I amazingly had a ton of energy yesterday. Not sure what caused it, but I definitely took full advantage. It was supposed to be cool & cloudy, but ended up being gorgeous. Nick's team lost 0-1 in a tight match, and Sam's team won 3-1. Both games were great to watch, and Nick played goalie in Sam's game, so everyone got a chance to have a win under their belts for the weekend. 

Looking forward to doing a little bit of reading in addition to wrapping things up for the weekend. What about you? Did you have a productive Saturday? What's on the agenda for today? 


  1. I'm finding on the beautiful early fall days, I miss soccer! You were majorly productive. I was less so, but looked at or tried to look at three places with my daughter. One, her top choice base don the listing, was an apartment in a house with a nice porch. The realtor had the wrong key and we could only look in the windows-dumb and a time waste.

  2. I remember the days when I could run. I am so jealous, but I can walk and I am thinking of going out to do the bridges in a few minutes.

    1. Running feels so good at some point, but the part where you're not in good running shape & have to press on, wheezing up a hill? Yeah, that's me a lot. ;-)

  3. Hope you're doing alright in Tokyo! We had a VERY BUSY Saturday which isn't always a translation for productive but this one was not too bad. I'm hoping to do better this coming weekend. I'm trying my best to concentrate more of the errands during the week so that we can split each Saturday and Sunday into half productive and half relaxing days.

    1. I like your idea of splitting up the days into productive & relaxing. The kids have no sports this weekend, and I'm SO excited to actually get some stuff done. It helps me feel so much more relaxed & in control when the menu is planned, the house is cleaned, etc.
