Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Menu Plan Tuesday

I was out of town for the last week, so I'm scrambling a bit to put a menu plan together. Here's what I'm thinking:

Sunday - M grilled kebabs & made rice
Monday - salmon + rice
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday - leftover kebabs + rice
Thursday - leftover salmon
Friday - Tacos

It should be a pretty straightforward menu, as M will make the salmon, & I'll cook up a batch of taco meat & put the rest in the freezer. We've done a good job of using up our freezer meals, so the freezer is looking like it's in pretty good shape. Hurrah!

What about you? What's on your menu for the week?


  1. I haven't cooked since Sunday - Monday was hubby's birthday so we did a big lunch out and fended for ourself as neither was hungry for Supper. Today I drove to a nearby town and back and had lunch out with Mom so same thing no cooking supper. Tomorrow it is spiced sausages on the grill....and maybe potato salad. After that who knows? lol

    1. Yum! Do you have an easy potato salad recipe? I love it, but have never made it.
