Sunday, March 22, 2020

Creating offices at our house

We spent most of yesterday assembling office furniture, moving other furniture, and cleaning the boys room. We now have two offices for the adults (kind of - shoved around beds) & two functioning desks for the kids. Remote learning starts next week, and we need to be prepared.

I also cleaned out half of our garage storage area, arranging by type (paper products, cleaning products, food, drinks). I only worked on half of the storage area, as the other side is M's domain. We chatted about him working on the other side tomorrow... we shall see. ;-)

Here's a sample of what we accomplished in Sam's room... and, let it be said that Nick's room was at least 4x as messy.

I also made dinner rolls for the boys, and they were fabulous. We juiced oranges (for smoothies) & got rid of an absolutely unbelievable amount of garbage, junk & toys/games for donation in the kids rooms. 

M grilled steak, and it was a lovely evening. I got out for a long solo walk, and two walks with the kids. We also helped our neighbor by walking her dog.

Here's what's on the agenda for today:
  • Live streaming workout class
  • Plan our schedule for the week
  • Set Sam up for livestreaming of his math tutoring
  • Make bacon ranch chicken in the crockpot
  • Organize the filing area that we moved to a new "office" set up
  • Help Sam get all of his desk stuff set up, post move
  • Yard work 
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Call my parents
What are you doing today? Any good sheltering in place ideas? I'd like to make chocolate chip cookies, but we are *gasp* almost out of flour. 


  1. Today, I am going out in mask, gloves, and with Lysol Wipes.

  2. My write ups are coming this week! We've been hunkered down as though waiting for a storm to hit and it's been a tough week but we also did make it through relatively unscathed. We even made it a point to both get things organized AND have fun on the weekend despite my work stress being compounded by lack of childcare.

  3. Isn't it nice to get rid of crap. Every time I go to our garage I cringe, but that is for another day. thanks for the pictures they help. Now if I can just get this new computer to cooperate and download. You will notice it is the computer's fault not the operator.
