Saturday, December 9, 2023

Saturday Happenings

 I'm still struggling with jet lag & a cold, so fingers crossed I'm back to normal soon. I skipped a workout class yesterday & didn't cancel in time, so if I'm willing to forego the late cancellation fee, you know I'm not feeling good! 

Here's what today holds:

  • Workout class - although, I'm going to take it very easy today
  • Finish the rest of the Christmas wrapping
  • Book a few appointments
  • Do some returns
  • Clean the fridge
  • Laundry
  • Review homework with both teens
  • Come up with a menu plan & shopping list
  • Sweep leaves
What about you? What's on your to do list today?


  1. Replies
    1. I've definitely been getting so much rest! I've needed it.

  2. Doing baking, candy making, and just plain taking it fairly easy.

    God bless.

  3. We deep cleaned the house vacuuming and moping all the floors and caught up on laundry. I hope you were able to get rested up.

    1. Definitely got a lot of sleep, and today I did manage to clean the house. Not mopping yet, though!

  4. I sincerely hope you are back to 100% soon! Jet lag has gotten so much worse for me as I age. 😐

    Running to the beach and back, meeting our designer to go over the plan for our office cabinet built ins, attending a Celtic Christmas concert, going to a wine bar after to use up the amount remaining on our pre-paid wine card, then home to eat up leftovers from our Fri and Sat holiday dine outs.

    - Tamara

    1. I've had SO much travel since September (two trips to Tokyo, one to London, one to France & then a fun trip to Hawaii with M), so I'm looking forward to a more peaceful few months.

      I'm with you - my jet lag has definitely gotten worse with age!

      Your day sounds fabulous.
