Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday Happenings

It's a pretty quiet week around here, after a wonderful college tour weekend. I'm really, really hoping Sam makes his decision soon, because we're very much in limbo right now. We loved our last tour (Oregon State) & had a fantastic experience. It's currently my top choice for him, but we shall see where he nets out. Nick was also super impressed with their engineering programs, so OSU has also made it onto his list for applications. 

There are a bunch of next steps that can't happen until Sam finalizes his decision, including: college start/end dates, travel plans, participation in a few events that conflict with one of his (potential) college start dates, housing forms, budgeting (all of the colleges are very different price points), etc, etc. I'm very much a person who wants to have a plan, as quickly as possible, so this process has been a great practice in patience for me. ;-) 

Sam had his first final this week, which I admittedly don't understand, since we aren't even to spring break yet. We're still waiting for Nick's SAT scores, high school tennis carries on, and we *think* we have a plan for spring break, but it's weather dependent. Oh, and I'm not sure what type of future job I'd like. 

I promised myself when I was laid off that I would not jump into the next thing. I would take the time to really give thought to what I want to do next, to allow myself to get bored (from a non-working perspective) & to be open ended on my thinking about next steps. 

There's been so many opportunities for me to work on my patience lately. These feel like important steps for me, but I do wish they weren't all coming at once. ;-) 

I have built some good habits lately, and have enjoyed the extra time to garden. Our yard needs so much time. I'm also looking forward to our spring break trip (whatever shape that takes at this point), as well as a hiking trip to Sedona with my mom at the end of the month. 

There's ambiguity in the longer term plans, but I can at least have a plan for today. So, here goes:

  • Morning workout class
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Farsi lesson
  • Yard work (tree trimming today)
  • Work on senior night stuff for soccer club
  • Attend Nick's tennis match
  • Marinate chicken shawarma this morning & then prep all sides + make dinner
  • Drop off donations at the Goodwill
  • List 3 more items on eBay
  • Stretch
  • Make another new Buy Nothing post
  • Read my book by the pool for at least 30 minutes
  • Vacuum
How do you handle ambiguity? Are you a patient person? What are you up to today?


  1. I am Not patient, I want a plan, and I detest ambiguity. Lol.

    Empty days on the calendar stress me out, so I spent time this morning filling them with a variety of hikes and events via the many groups I hang with. Sigh. So much better.

    Today so far (8am here at the moment) I've done laundry, made my menu plan and shopping list, and am leaving soon for a beautiful ridge hike followed by lunch, with friends. After I'll swing by my mom's to take care of a couple of things, then do the grocery shopping for the week. Fajita leftovers for dinner tonight, so that's already taken care of. Looking forward to reading for a bit on my balcony as well when we return, as we're anticipating temps in the mid-70's today.

    Tamara R

    1. All of this resonates so much with me! I think I'm in the phase where i'm building out my network and options for things that can happen during the work day, which takes time. So, it's a bit of a limbo state, and I don't yet have a full slate of fun options to choose from, which is making me a little restless honestly. But, I know patience is called for here, even though I have very little of it! - HP

    2. Meet Up and my local Sierra Club are where I find and track the majority of my fun/active options. A few are Facebook groups as well. Just to give you a few places you might not have thought of.

      - Tamara R

  2. I tend to go rogue and will rebel against concrete plans. TheHubs retirement is going to be quite a transition for both of us. He likes to know what he is going to have for breakfast 2 days before Christmas 2025, while I like each day to be an unexpected adventure.

    1. You two are going to be quite a pair when he retires! :-) - HP

  3. I guess I'm a mix. I've had too much disruption to life plans. I know I have to learn to be flexible, live in the moments, but also know what's up and what's down. I'll root you on to find the right fit. My back yard is going to need lots of work too. I hope I'm up for the challenge.

  4. Like you I need a plan, the sooner the better. That drives Harvey kind of crazy....

    Take your time in choosing what you want to do next.

    God bless.
