Monday, June 24, 2024

Menu Plan Monday

 It's a travel + home without kids + a bit more travel kind of a week, so you'll see more eating out & a little bit more "make do with what we have on hand" type of meals. 

  • Friday - random bites at the airport
  • Saturday - Sam's graduation party, with my parents. Burgers & lots of sides!
  • Sunday - grilled chicken salads
  • Monday - burgers
  • Tuesday - grilled chicken + caprese salad
  • Wednesday - orange chicken
  • Thursday - M & I are out of town, & eating at an Asian restaurant 
  • Friday - M & I are still out of town, and we're going to a supper club, where I will likely have steak
What about you? What's on your menu for the week?


  1. The fridge freezer is really too full, as is the fridge, so this week we will be clearing things out and perhaps adding a few things from the garden to make things work.

    God bless.

  2. Sounds delicious. Safe travels while you are out of town.
