Sunday, August 4, 2024

July goals - how did I do?

This was probably the most inconsistent month I've had in a long time. There were lots of mini trips! Lake Tahoe with Nick & two friends, an impromptu Las Vegas trip with my nephew, and the most recent trip to Portland to see my family/celebrate my special needs aunt's 70th & Sam's college orientation. As you might remember from prior busy months, being out of my routine is not great for my goals, even if each of the events is fun. I did also remind myself to "say yes" more this month, enjoy being unemployed, & remember that this time with Sam & Nick at home is fleeting. 

With those caveats, let's see how I did!


  • Sort out tuition payment/timing - yes, I'm just waiting for Sam's first bill to come in
  • Figure out what to do with M's expiring BA miles - we are waiting to confirm that they've been extended
  • Sort out a plan with United credits (goal plan + backup plan, as his mom's availability to travel will be limited & likely down to the wire) - I did attempt a few times to extend the credits through various hacks, & none of those worked. So, we will for sure be needing this plan, but I didn't actually make it.
  • Freezer challenge: use up remaining bag of cranberries + bananas - yes to both, although more bananas were put in the freezer when we went out of town last week
  • Have a great 4th of July with Nick & a friend in Lake Tahoe - we had a great time, and Nick brought two friends along. 
  • Help Nick edit draft college essays & work on new ones - some progress was made, but there's still a lot of work to do
  • Get Sam set up for his solo senior trip (install airline app, activate credit card, use Uber, etc) - yes, this was a success.
  • Plan one fun family activity + days for my nephew to visit - we had a lot of fun with the teens, and plenty of family time. My nephew came back with us on Thursday, and the boys took him to Santa Cruz, to In & Out, they went to the city together, and they've played a lot of Magic the Gathering.


  • Finalize legs for relay (me + Sam) - I've been battling a hip injury that is a very, very long recovery window & never truly heals. Today is the final decision day for the relay, but it's unlikely that I can do it. I trained for 5+ months, so I'm very, very sad about this. 
  • 70 miles of running, including some longer runs for relay prep - definitely no
  • Stretch 12 times - yes, thanks to trying to loosen up my hip
  • 12 strength workouts - I had to cancel a lot of workouts this month, so no
  • Follow the No S diet 15 days - definitely not. I'm not feeling great about my eating habits during all of those travel days. 
  • Meditate 20 times - I'm very inconsistent with my routine while traveling, so this didn't happen
  • Get together with friends - yes, some hiking & also an impromptu girls trip added on to last week's trip to Portland
  • Practice Farsi 20 times -  I'm very inconsistent with my routine while traveling, so this didn't happen
  • Declutter 25 items - 14/25 items
  • Continue exploring jobs - I've done a lot of work here, and have had two interviews. Lots of prep time ahead of both interviews, and I have another interview tomorrow. 
  • Spend time on volunteer role - yep, continue to support my students I'm mentoring

All in all, definitely not my most successful month, and I've been frustrated, particularly on the fitness front. I also know that I need to really clean up my eating if I'm not able to work out as much, which I'm not enjoying! But, these months are what help you make tweaks & changes for the more successful months (or, so I'm telling myself as we head into August.)

How did you do on your goals for July? 



  1. Your month looks like it was pretty good to me! You stayed on course a lot more than I did.

    1. Oof, it was a ride! Hoping for more stability in August, but who knows at this point?! (HP)
