Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday Things

 Oof, last night was not a good night of sleep. It was 100 here yesterday, which is, btw, insane in its own right, and our power went off around 6 pm. I'd just caved & decided to start using the AC, so we could sleep, as I didn't sleep well the night before due to the heat. 

No power means no fans, and we have a large ceiling fan that we run probably 9 months out of the year to keep our bedroom cool. Ooooh, it was so hot in the house. I slept with a wet towel on my chest. The power finally came back on around 2 am, but when I went to turn off all of the lights, a smoke alarm started going off. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, so I tried to sleep with two pillows over my head. M dealt with it this morning, bless him. 

Today is going to be a very sleepy day! 

On the positive front, I got to hold my friend's baby yesterday at lunch. She is adorable, five months old, and very squishy & smiley. Baby snuggles! On the way back from lunch, I dropped off my old jewelry at a shop that buys gold. This is very old jewelry that I haven't ever worn or don't want in general. It's been on my to do list to get rid of it forever, and it's finally gone. I also got way more money for it than expected, which is a lovely bonus! That money will help to offset Nick's orthodontia care. ;-) 

Nick & I finished the two Cal State applications that opened on 10/1. WOOP! We have just one to go, and it's for a college that hasn't opened their applications yet. We are in really good shape, and can now work on scholarship applications, etc. 

On to today:

  • Workout class
  • Finally got a doctor's appointment to establish care with a new primary doctor. I've been waiting for months.
  • Package & mail an eBay sale
  • Drop off a check for the orthodontist. There is a 2% discount by paying in full
  • Work on job profile for consulting role
  • Laundry
  • Clean the fridge
  • Daily chores (language lesson, journal, meditate)
What are you up to? Hope the weather is cool & lovely, wherever you all are!

1 comment:

  1. We had frost last night and the house was pretty chilly this morning. I am trying to hold off turning on the heat for at least another week.

    I am still processing tomatoes, and today it was making tomato sauce. Only got two containers so I will need to make more (an all day simmer to condense).

    God bless.
