Friday, June 25, 2021

Frugal Friday

We are back to real life, and attempting to save a bit of money again here & there.  I really struggled to get going this week, but, unfortunately, the week didn't stop to wait for me. ;-) 

Saving on things we buy

  • I used a couple of grocery store rewards for items Nick needed for his Father's Day dinner
  • Bought an Amazon gift card to earn a $10 Amazon promotional credit during Prime days
  • Doesn't quite fit into this category, but we received reimbursement from our HSA for our COVID tests, and I applied the money to our mortgage. I consider it "found" money, even though we are technically just reimbursing ourselves. 

Earning money

  • I unpaused my eBay listings & sold a few things:
    • A felt craft kit
    • A shirt I found at the beach house that had never been worn (and, already outgrown by the kids)
    • Another shirt Nick insisted he needed (a "dressy" shirt) but didn't wear before he outgrew
    • A puzzle storage system (discovered at the beach house)
  • I also received a $6.55 check from a class action lawsuit I vaguely remember filling out
  • We received an $80 credit on our auto insurance, due to additional COVID relief

Avoiding spending

  • Nick made homemade hamburger & hot dog buns to go with dinners this week

Eating what we have

  • I made chicken on Friday evening, when we got home from the airport, avoiding another meal out
  • I also made eggs for breakfast on Saturday morning, despite being tired & jet lagged before an early soccer game, & not really "feeling it". ;-)
  • I cut up two large bowls of fruit, which meant lazy teens ate it quickly
  • I sauteed a zucchini for dinner
  • Nick shredded all of the zucchini that grew while we were out, and I froze it for future muffins or bread 
  • I made pickled jalapenos out of our first batch of garden jalapenos. M loves these on almost anything. 
  • My spinach bolted, so I cut it back & trimmed all that I could & we used it for salads. I also planted more spinach and kale
  • I picked strawberries, lots of green peppers, tomatoes, Greek basil, zucchini, & kale. We froze the strawberries for smoothies, and used everything else in salads

For others

  • I caught up on a few non-profit volunteer tasks
  • I mentored a group of interns at work
  • I gave away zucchini to a neighbor 
  • Listed some of M's summer clothes that no longer fit (discovered while packing for Hawaii) & a bunch of board games on Buy Nothing
That's it from our side. How did you do this week?


  1. With my success using frozen bagged spinach, if I had an overabundance, I think I would now cook and freeze in small portions to pull out for anything-sadly no access to an over abundance of spinach. I love that you are making money off things that might be clutter like outgrown clothes or storage you do no need.

    1. We use it fresh in salads, so we're able to use up quite a bit. I also like it sauteed with eggs, in a scramble. For whatever reason, no one likes frozen spinach at my house.

  2. It is so hard to transition back to real life after vacation life! I'd like to say we are eating in more now, but with grandkid schedules and assorted errands that seem to take hours, we have enjoyed a couple of dinners eating out. Oops! :-)

    1. I'm with you - it's so hard to transition back to real life! Enjoy your time with the grand kids.

  3. Sounds like another good week, especially after I trip. I would have been useless all week lol!

    1. I've been just one step above useless, honestly ;-)

  4. I just love all the ways you save money. I consider you rich don't laugh. So to see someone rich save money pleases me to no end.

    1. I consider us very lucky, but wasting money feels wrong to me no matter what. There are always better uses for wasting money. I'm by no means perfect, but where we can make cuts, we can afford to do more trips, donate more, give gifts, etc. Those things are so much more enjoyable than wasting money!
