Sunday, June 27, 2021

Somehow, it's Sunday

This entire week has whizzed by. I can't believe it's Sunday. Yesterday was a busy, but fun day. I took Sam to his soccer scrimmage, went to two Targets (the first one I went to was closing permanently that day & had no inventory, unbeknownst to me). I also washed 1/2 of the sheets, made dinner, took the boys + a bonus friend mini golfing. And went to the grocery store, picked up the cooler, dropped off zucchini & went for a walk. After the soccer scrimmage, I noticed a girl asking Sam for his phone number. They go to the same school, but don't know each other, and played on the same team during a blended roster scrimmage. So cute. 

The boys at mini golf made me laugh. Telling stories, generally being foolish teens, and attempting to best each other. I really enjoy this phase, particularly when they are off their technical devices, and just being kids. They got ice cream cones, & I managed to avoid one (mostly because ice cream is not my stomach's friend). June was not a great month for me from a calorie perspective, and time at the beach means this will probably continue through the first week of July.

I still have plenty left to do today. 

  1. Go for a run
  2. Wash our sheets, make the bed
  3. Laundry
  4. Make chicken curry
  5. Pack. For real, finish all packing but final stuff
  6. Meet neighbors this evening for watering explanation
  7. Move all (potted) tomato plants to the front yard, so the neighbors can water them. 
  8. Vacuum
  9. Bathrooms
  10. Clean the kitchen. Nick used the food processor & the ice cream maker yesterday, so the kitchen is...messy. The oreo ice cream he made is delicious, however.
  11. Run to Rite Aid for a couple of things.
  12. Both boys have tennis lessons
  13. Dead head herbs
  14. Package & mail an eBay sale
That's it on our side. I'm missing the "do nothing but have fun" vibe of Hawaii. Can I go back? ;-) Hope you are all having a wonderful day. What are you hoping to accomplish today? 


  1. I am still exhausted from my trip… and I drove under four hours so….. lol. I did laundry and ate lunch with middle son as we planned next part of Reno for retirement house/ his older brother’s house. Talked to youngest finalizing renovations plans for his house before he starts law school…. Mid August… yikes. Sent daughter a text re: her dog. Going to take a nap… lol. Cindy in the South

  2. Just reading everything you have to do wears me out!

  3. It is hard to come back from vacation when you have a full plate upon return.

  4. Safe travels and enjoy your holiday with your family.

  5. While it is nice to get home, one always misses the laid back atmosphere of their holidays. The daily happenings seem to catch up with you, and you are one busy lady.

    God bless.
