Thursday, July 8, 2021

So close to Friday

These short work weeks are both fantastic & challenging. Fantastic because...fewer work days. They are also challenging, because there is the same amount to get done, in a shorter amount of time. 

I had a reasonably productive day yesterday (on the work & home front), but like every day, I didn't get everything done on my to do list. We did get the tomato plants & rolling beds moved back into their correct places, after adjusting them for watering purposes while we were gone.

We are closing on the vacation house today (fingers crossed) & expecting the funding tomorrow. It sounds like everything is well in hand with that process -  hurrah!

Here's what's on my list for today:

  • Pull up a few cucumber plants that didn't survive our trip to Hawaii. 
  • Plant more radishes, & potentially cilantro & kale
  • No laundry. This is shocking, but what happens when there are no teens in the house!
  • Clean the bathrooms
  • Make a reservation for wine tasting this weekend
  • Make health physicals for both boys, before school starts
  • Call our mortgage company for a balance payoff
  • Work out (cardio & strength training)
  • List five items on eBay
  • List five items on Buy Nothing
  • Check on the boys camp registration for August
That's it for me. What are you up to today? 


  1. My days have been blurring together. We had unseasonalby cool weather yesterday, so I made sure to get a walk. The super hot weahter has been a bear and I like the hoeat normally. I' sorry you didn't get all your cucumbers-love them. I'm hoping ot get my flex day in tomorrow which measn today I need to be more productive-and here I am on blogger!

    1. We have only had a couple of cucumbers, even though the plants are huge & look like they should really be producing. So far, nope.

      Hope you squeeze in a lot of productivity - and fun!

  2. I’m working on my blog and commenting on others. I need to do a load of laundry but it is a small one so I will give it a day or two. No laundry for you due to no teenagers in the house is pretty neat. I’m sure you miss them though. It’s so quiet when they are out of the house.

    1. We definitely miss them. The house is quiet, in both a good way & a "way too quiet" way!

  3. So, so happy for you about the house closing! I have a closing on July 23rd on a real eesate investment. Fingers crossed! Cindy in the South

  4. You know just this morning (I open at 10) it is now 11:15 I have had 2 bridesmaid hems, 7 pair of pants to hem 2 large blankets to bind and I sewed 4 Air force patches on upside down to redo. How can I possibly catch up?

    1. That is amazing! Both on the good side (making money) & the bad side (all of the work). May the force be with you!

  5. I hope all goes well with the closing today!

  6. It is totally worth it to start getting together with friends. COVID has meant such a change in my productivity (for the positive), which is to be celebrated, but now that things are opening back up, I need to be happy with doing less, and having more balance with social things.

    So happy you are getting your second shot! And, fingers crossed for soccer. Sam played in the first half of summer league this year, and we start again in August.
