Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday things

 I was moderately productive yesterday, but somehow left the house cleaning for today. That's a common theme. If there is one thing I put off doing, it's definitely house cleaning! 

I did give a bunch of stuff away via Buy Nothing, list a few things we're not using on Facebook Marketplace, made protein balls, etc which wasn't on my list. I love decluttering. 

Here's what's on the list for today:

  • Make dinner. We ended up with leftovers last night, so tonight I need to prep the beef/broccoli dish, and freeze the rest of the ground beef
  • Call my parents
  • Schedule for next week
  • Boys - calculus tutor + pay tutor
  • Work out
  • Vacuum
  • Dust
  • Clean bathrooms
  • Clean kitchen
  • Laundry
  • Pick up Buy Nothing item
I think that's it for me. What about you? What are you hoping to accomplish today?


  1. Sounds like a productive Sunday. I folded and put away some laundry, did a load of towels which reminds me to go hang them up. I made chili half for this week, half to freeze with the red beans that were expired. Stuffed chards with meat. The chards were so fresh at the Farmers Market that I had to buy them. Leftover chards will go into an oatmeal bake and the rest (yes they were two huge bunches) will be sauteed with chopped onions. Nothing went to waste. I will bake the oatmeal tomorrow for lunch. There will be chards, leeks and a sweet potato in it. I have sauteed the veggies so that the whole thing can be thrown together to bake in the morning. And I took two short naps during the day.

    1. Your oatmeal bake sounds fabulous. And, so envious of the naps! I can't sleep mid day, but it sounds so wonderful.

  2. So far today I cleaned out the linen closet and one of the kitchen drawers that had gotten out of control. The sheets have been changed. Now to pay a couple of bills, do a mani, pedi and get ready for the coming week. I also want to bake either blueberry muffins or banana bread for breakfasts this week. I made waffles today which left us 7 for the freezer to pull out so we should be set. I also LOVE decluttering. Have a great Sunday!!

    1. Kindred spirits on the decluttering! It realy is so enjoyable.

  3. quiet day for us around here. Snowed overnight and we got a few inches, so hibernated all day!

    1. I read a lot today, and it was so lovely. The boys are between club soccer seasons, which means our weekends are pretty reasonable.

  4. I tried to do as little as possible. I did clean the outside of the fridge though. LOL.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds like a good day to me! I did manage to get my housekeeping done, which is a positive step.

  5. Sunday was catch up day for us too, but we did meet some friends for lunch. Did several loads of laundry, cleaned out the fridge, put some things in the donation pile and pulled a few weeds from the flowerbeds. I need to dust and vacuum when I get home after work today. Sorry to hear about your knee; so frustrating! Take it easy!
