Friday, August 19, 2016

Frugal Friday

Well, it's unintentionally been a more frugal week than expected, & it's also been a super crazy week filled with lots of late night meetings, soccer practice, & the first week of school. I'm so very happy it's Friday.

A few frugal things:

  1. Utilized leftovers (planned overs?) in all meals this week, and got very creative for dinner last night.
  2. Provided feedback about a damaged box (product was still intact, but spilled out) to Amazon & received a credit of $.98. Not much to write home about, but I'll take it. ;-)
  3. Used the boys new thermoses to pack hot lunches, vs buying a $3 (x2) school lunch. The thermoses will have paid for themselves by next week.
  4. Saved a bunch of elderly fruit for smoothies. Smoothies were the snack of choice before sports practice this week. I had 1/2 a scoop of protein powder (smoothie is split between 2 kids) to give them a little more nutrition.
  5. And, had planned to work from home most of the week in the late afternoon to help train our new nanny. Due to her schedule conflicts & being ill, she was only able to come over on Monday & Tuesday. Savings of $160, but I'm a little worried about the lack of predictability. It worked okay this week, as I had planned on being at home, but it can't be a regular occurrence.
And with that, here's what I'd like to accomplish today:

  • Yoga
  • 3 mile walk
  • Laundry
  • Go through my workout clothes & short sleeves shirts & declutter.
  • Dinner. Planning for grilled burgers (freezer) & a peach/mozzarella/basil salad on the side.
  • Take boys to soccer practice
  • Get cash for next weekend
  • Return library books
  • Buy a birthday gift for a party tomorrow
  • Wrap up a couple of work projects
  • Go to the produce stand
If I get all of that done, I'll be thrilled! What about you? Any frugal wins this week? 

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