Sunday, August 22, 2021


Less about my own adulting, but I'm helping the kids adult today. I took Nick to the soccer shop to pick up his ref outfit, showed him how to use his social security card to register all of the information (and, how to look out for SS scams), linked his bank account, registered for leagues to ref. There's quite a bit of work to help him, but I'm glad he'll be earning money soon & slowly heading towards being an adult. He's passed all of the tests & attended in person training, so he's ready to go when the games get posted.

Our agreement is that he can save 75% of his money, spend 25%, and I'll match all of his earned income, so he can get started saving for retirement. 

Sam's soccer game was a lot of fun yesterday, as he scored 3 goals & they won 4-1. He typically is a defender, but his new club has moved him around a bit, and he's definitely enjoying himself. 

My lesson learned from yesterday is to never take hungry kids to Costco. Not only did they have lunch there, but there were lots of miscellaneous "asks" that folks wanted to add to the list. ;-) 

M & I had a fabulous date night, and the boys went out to dinner with another friend, & said friend wanted a bunch of zucchini, so it was a triple win. ;-)  All in all, yesterday was lovely.

I went for a run this morning, and the temperature was perfect. 

I also trimmed back the Serrano pepper bush, as it's attempting to take over an entire raised bed. I'm giving away the peppers on Buy Nothing. 

Here's what's on the to do list for the rest of today:
  1. Vacuum
  2. Clean the kitchen
  3. Bathrooms
  4. Laundry
  5. Make fajitas
  6. Pickle peppers
  7. Make guacamole
  8. Sort out soccer schedule for next week
  9. Post a couple of items on Buy Nothing or eBay
  10. Dust
  11. Call my parents
What about you? What are you up to today?


  1. That plant is gorgeous! Good for Sam- lots to learn in finances and great he's starting early.

    1. The plant left in the bed is crazy. I made 8 batches of pickled peppers with it, and we still have plenty to go around.

  2. Let's see. I made a pie, finished binding a quilt (well not quite some hand sewing left), went for a walk between rain showers and found $20.00 in a back alley, and did some knitting.

    Oh yes, I downloaded some free books (plus two I paid for, they were very low cost) onto my ereader. Getting ready for our little holiday.

    God bless.

    1. Nice work finding the $20! My grandmother used to attempt to teach me how to make pies, & I really, really wish I had paid attention. I'm not much of a pie maker, and could have used the insturction!

      I hope you're going to have a fabulous holiday.

  3. Sounds like adulting is working out for Nick. I wish him the best as he travels down this new road in life. Congratulations to Sam for scoring three goals, that is great! That is a lot of peppers and so nice of you to share them. I will be busy doing the same things I normally do. LOL I hope you have a good Monday.

  4. So smart of you to help with the adulting process and to start him on a savings plan!
