Saturday, March 24, 2018

Simple Saturday

I can't remember the last time we had a day with nothing going on, but regardless, I'm thrilled! Here's what's planned for today.

  1. Take the kids to the library. We have to sort some fines, and will be returning & checking out more.
  2. Go for a run
  3. Yoga
  4. Clean the kitchen
  5. Vacuum
  6. Bathrooms
  7. Buy Nick new cleats (assuming the one mysterious cleat doesn't show up)
  8. Clean the showers. Yikes. 
  9. Hopefully sell an old bike. A coworker is interested & will likely stop by today for it.
  10. Menu plan
  11. Go to Costco
  12. Produce stand
  13. The boys will be cleaning their rooms. They are utter disasters!
  14. The boys need to make their own menu plans (breakfast & lunch)
  15. We'll close the evening with a popcorn/movie night. We started watching "Wonder" last night (it's a requirement for Nick's class), but had to pause because he was pretty emotional about it. It's a great movie, but tough to watch. We may choose something a bit more light hearted for this evening. 

Are you having a crazy Saturday, or a more mellow one? We were supposed to have a soccer game in Santa Cruz, but the fields have been so rainy, it got cancelled. Hurrah for mellow weekends!


  1. I know when daughter read the book, Wonder, she had some emotional days. She had to reently watch Saving Private Ryan, so much to take in. I hope you get the don time you need-glad ot hear I am not th eonly one that reguallrly contributes tot he public library via fines and late fees.

    1. Oh, that's a rough movie as well! And yes, while I always set a goal of not missing any due dates at the library. . . I'll confess that it happens. We go through a LOT of books (not unusual to have 25+ checked out at a time between myself & the kids), so the cost of fines is still a savings over purchasing. Now, if only I could increase the organization by 5% more. :-)

  2. Sometimes yay for rainy fields! You need some down time once in a while. Enjoy your day

    1. I agree! The kids need the exercise, but the break has been fabulous. It's amazing how it feels to not have any fixed timing events on the schedule. Still plenty to do, but I get to control our schedule myself, vs being beholden to the soccer gods.
