Thursday, January 3, 2019

January Goals

I'm not going to lie, I have the most motivation to tackle goals in January, so I'm going to take advantage & try to tackle as much as I can while I'm feeling it. :-)

1) Financial:
  • Stick to the budget
  • Update our "pay off our house model" once our bonus & equity clears & we see how much we can pay off from that. 
  • Come up with a new way to reduce what we need/spend on an ongoing basis.
  • Make $300 in side hustle money
  • Track all unplanned money, and divert to saving goals

2) Family - Spend more time together as a family!
  • Go skiing with the kids
  • Be more present with the kids & M - play games, minimize computer time, exercise together, etc. 
  • Have two dates with M 

    3) Fitness/health - lose 15 pounds 
    • Eat 5 servings of fruit & vegetables/day
    • Run 8 times
    • 31 workouts 
    • 1450 or less average daily calories
    • Complete 1,000 minutes of cardio
    • Complete 12 strength workouts.
    • Complete 9 stretching workouts.
    • Complete 10 meditations

    4) Work/career - Improve my work life balance.
    • Work from home 2x
    • Meditate 12 times at work
    • Work out 6 times at lunch (this can be a casual walk or something else to break up my day)
    • Finalize sabbatical date, and dates for trips I'll take during my sabbatical
    • Stop using electronics by 7:30 each evening

      5) Personal/creative - Spend more time on myself/creative pursuits.
      • One social thing (lunch with a friend, hike, etc)
      • Volunteer one time
      • Write/journal at least 4x, or for a total of 3 hours
      • Brainstorm ideas for homemade Christmas project
      • Work on photo books. Decide on tool, start uploading photos & begin with 2018 photo book. 
      • Read one non-fiction book, from the giant pile!

      Let's do this! What about you? What's on your list of goals for January? Do you find yourself more or less motivated the first month of the year? 


      1. I love your goals and enthusiasm for January! I do find myself more motivated in January too! This year, I need to keep up the enthusiasm for the rest of the year. =)

      2. I have the same fresh year feeling too but I also need to keep things so simple this year. Repercussions from last year are still rippling and I haven't put them all to bed yet. Until I do, we've got to keep it light!

      3. I am trying to do a no spend January - ummm, I have spent but I am still trying to spend nothing more beyond this week. Just no unnecessary items.
