Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sunday Happenings

I woke up too early this morning, & couldn't get back to sleep. For whatever reason, the coffee is not helping. Maybe I'll take a nap later today. ;-)

M & I sat by the pool & drank champagne in the sun yesterday, as an early birthday celebration. The weather was perfect, the kids were playing tennis together. It was a great chance to catch up & chat. 

We had Greek takeout & cupcakes, and it was delicious. The last time we ordered takeout from this restaurant, it was really disappointing, but we tried again, as it's previously been a favorite. I'm very happy they are back with high quality menu items. Greek takeout is one of the rare things that everyone in my family eats. The cupcakes were, as always, fantastic. 

My stomach is not used to all of that amazing food in one day, so I'm definitely feeling the indulgence today. 

I also treated myself yesterday, and didn't pay attention to my to do list at all. I did go for a run, and then go on a walk with M & Sam to ensure I got to 12k steps, but otherwise accomplished almost nothing. I worked on a hat (looming) & watched The Mentalist. It was so lovely & relaxing. 

As a result, I really need to be productive today! Here's what's on the to do list)

  • Clean the house
  • Go through work calendar, adjust meetings & set up work out plan for the week
  • Take Nick to volleyball
  • Figure out if Sam is biking to soccer, or needs a ride
  • Take weekly COVID test. I think M will drop this off at FedEx for us (he takes one as well)
  • Call my parents
  • Work out
  • Set up my Kindle (birthday gift)
  • Depending on my energy level, pickle jalapenos
That's it from my side. What about you? What are you up to today? 


  1. Happy Birthday and it sounds like a well deserved day of simply relaxing and enjoying life was had by all. And lovely memories made as well it sounds like. Cupcakes? Yum!

    Sunday here we are RVing in Malibu, planning to take a long walk along the beach and see if we recognize anyone, LOL. We brought our little TV to try and catch the Super Bowl, but otherwise we’ll read, look at the ocean and enjoy what is shaping up to be a warm sunny day.

  2. I think I'll make cupcakes net weekend as I have cute valentines cupcake liners and a few cake mixes I can doctor up-then get them out of my house! Maybe the Greek restaurant figured out how to change processed for carry out that they were lese equipped for previously?

  3. Happy Birthday! The Greek takeout sounds good. We've had a new Greek restaurant open up here recently and I've been wanting to try it. Not too much going on here today, it snowed about an inch overnight and I've been staying warm under a blanket. A nap sounds good to me too.

  4. Happy birthday! That food sounds fantastic.

    I've been watching The Mentalist during my pumping sessions 😁

    Today was my "rest" day. We did a really long walk yesterday and my body is entirely too sore as a result. I went for a short walk with the family and seriously regretted it about two minutes in. Then I spent some time sorting clothing because Smol Acrobat has grown so much, it's already time to pass along their smallest clothes. I'm making up boxes for donations to our Lakota Families and to hand down to friends and family who are expecting this year. I'm only halfway through but it felt really productive for a day I didn't want to move!

  5. I made dinner for 5 extra boys and had Kelsa with us last night. I am wiped out!

  6. On Sunday, my most significant accomplishment was taking a shower and going from one pair of jammies to another. Super cold here so I took the day off from just about everything. Today I made up for that by sketching out this week's to-do list that will take a month to accomplish!
