Friday, June 3, 2022

Frugal Friday

The week ahead is expected to be fabulous, but not frugal, with a trip to Hawaii. I focused on cleaning out the fridge as much as possible before I left. M tends to not be on top of creative menus, and using up leftovers.  

Saving on things we buy

  • Used a grocery store reward to pick up some Memorial Day weekend barbecue items. 
  • I've tried to build in a few fun treats over the past week or so, as the boys are studying hard for finals. I took them to boba on Monday, and used a $5 reward for one of the drinks. 

Earning money

  • Nothing on this front, but I did get to drive to & from the district office (school) to turn in Sam's work permit form, to allow him to work this summer. ;-) 

Avoiding spending

  • I adjusted our plans in Hawaii from a formal photo shoot, to just doing the free photo that comes with our hotel package. I figure we can have someone else take extra photos as needed. We will get one great picture, and my mom can have that as part of her gift. 
  • M had a conflict & couldn't drop me off at the airport today, but I was able to use Uber credits
  • Packed a lunch & snack for the flight, and brought my own water flask to fill at the airport
  • I really wanted a premium economy seat, but I was on the upgrade waiting list (I have status, thanks to some pre-COVID work travel). Better than premium, I got upgraded to first class for free! I'm thrilled. I think I'll treat myself to a free drink before we arrive, and the flight is long enough that the extra leg room will be very appreciated.
  • Arranged carpools for multiple kid activities, saving everyone time & money. 

Eating what we have 

  • We finished off the last of a large bag of gyozos. I don't know how M prepares them, but they are amazing every time. He uses a lot of seasoning, and pan fries them. They are an easy Friday dinner for us, served with a protein option. We bought this particular bag at Costco, on sale for $7 or so. We've made 6 or so dinners (x3 diners) out of them, so they've been a great value. 
  • Used up the oranges from our neighbor's tree, and made a double batch of orange muffins (we skip the glaze). This recipe also used up the remainder of an open tub of yogurt (in place of the sour cream). 
  • I used the remainder of the orange juice in a fruit smoothie. The giant bowl is now off of my counter. Hurrah!
  • I made Rice Krispie treats, to use up most of an open bag of cereal.  
  • I had a salad with the dregs of a bag of lettuce, plus a leftover piece of chicken from one of the boys. That was lunch one day, which worked fine. 
  • Had leftover roasted potatoes (dinner out last weekend) 2x with eggs, to make a breakfast burrito. Delicious & it felt good not to toss them. 
  • Finished off a bag of edamame, from the freezer. 
  • Used two pieces of chicken that Nick had as a dinner leftover, and turned them into sandwich wraps. The first one was Mexican themed, with salsa. With the second one, I added sliced tomato & a bit of mayo. Both were great, and no waste with the chicken. 

For others

  • Hosted a call for a volunteer organization
  • Donated some outgrown, but still fantastic condition teen Nike shoes on Buy Nothing. 
  • Was selected for an advisory council at a local public university. Details to come, but it sounds exciting!
That's it from my side - what about you? Any wins to share?


  1. No real wins here this week but no real losses either.
    Have a great trip with Mom and Sis!

  2. I still have cereal from a massive box plus 1/2 bag chocolate chips so you reminded me to use them up. I hope your boys don't do too much fiscal damage while you're away, but it sure sounds like you planned ahead well.

  3. I am so jealous,have super fun in Hawaii!!

  4. Great frugal list. Enjoy your time with your Mom.

    God bless.

  5. So amazing on the upgrade to first class! Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Safe travels my friend. A trip to Hawaii sounds wonderful!
