Sunday, July 3, 2022

Long weekend things

 I had a great workout with my friend yesterday, but today I am feeling it! The five mile run on Friday, combined with a hard workout class yesterday is definitely sending me reminders, every time I go to sit down or get back up. 

We are using up so much from the garden, which always makes me happy. I made a large batch of pico de gallo yesterday, as well as chimichurri. It was nice to use up lots of garden goodies! I also made caprese salad. Yum!

I also juiced a bunch of lemons, filled out Nick's camp paperwork, gave away more on Buy Nothing, made a return at the mall, and sat by the pool reading for a bit.

Here's what's on the agenda for today:

  • Figure out where to get a passport photo taken. I need one for my Japan visa paperwork.
  • Pickle all of the peppers in the fridge.
  • Work out
  • Work in the garden
  • List 5 items on eBay
  • Stretch, foam roll, and use the massage gun
  • Recap June's goals
  • Write July's goals
  • Figure out plan/schedule for executive leadership class
  • Laundry
  • Clean/organize fridge
  • Plant radish seeds
  • Make macaroni salad
What are you up to today? Are you prepping any food for the 4th of July, if you are in the US? 


  1. I made spaghetti for today, walked an hour, and we tomorrow my middle son and I will be having beef hot dogs, watermelon, corn on the
    covb, and potatoe salad I made.
    I also made coleslaw but my middle son doesn’t like coleslaw so I guess I get to eat it on my hot dog… lol. Other two sons are working/ studying etc. so they will not be driving up,’or down, depending on whether they are north or south of me. Daughter working out West, where she lives. This is what happens when you have four kids and they are grown and have their own lives. Getting everyone together is very hard, given so different work schedules and locations. Cindy in the South

    1. Your meal sounds great! I love both potato & macaroni salad. My husband doesn't eat either, so I get them rarely!
