Friday, February 28, 2025

Frugal Friday

 Saving on things we buy

  • Bought a few travel gift cards that we will use, and earned $45 in grocery store gift cards. 
  • I had expiring Target Circle rewards (I rarely go there), so I stopped in to use them up. I also noticed I had a birthday coupon & some sort of other 10% off a purchase offer, so stacked everything together. Picked up two bags of goldfish crackers for Nick, who likes easy snacks between school & practice. I paid $2. I remember when you could regularly buy goldfish for $1/bag on sale, so I guess I managed to get the price down to what I paid 15 or so years ago? ;-) It wasn't exactly a great bargain, but it was a little something. 

Earning money

  • Cashed in $55 in user studies

Avoiding spending

  • Received a refund from a shuttle for Sam. It's a long story, but the cancellation code I had wouldn't work, and they only had one seat left on the shuttle he needed. I'd tried to get a hold of them for weeks, so I booked out of pocket. They got back to me a week later, and even though it's not their policy to offer a refund (you just get a credit), they made an exception. Saved $60. 

Eating what we have:

  • Used up overly ripe bananas to make banana muffins for M.
  • Ate leftovers from the freezer (tacos & lemon chicken)
  • Picked lemons from our tree for salad dressing & other things
  • Used up the last of the sliced cheese purchased on sale (replaced with cheaper bricks of cheese for future sandwich making) to make a few grilled cheese sandwiches for Nick
  • Used up remaining taco meat, tortillas & shredded cheese to make taco quesadillas for Nick
  • We've cleaned out the fruit drawer this week, with the exception of a few oranges
  • Finished off the garlic beef noodles, rounded out with some edamame, as we didn't quite have enough for a full meal. 
  • Used the last of a bagged salad, edamame & chicken for a lunch

For others

  • Sent a gift to a friend who lost her father
  • Rounded up shopping carts blocking parking spots (WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS? It's my pet peeve.) & returned them all to the corrals. 
  • Gifted a workout friend a Guest of Honor pass for a stay at the Hyatt in April. I get these with my status, and they are intended to be used if we are booking two rooms, and/or for gifting to others. She's going to Japan with her family, and is thrilled to have this. It will save them several hundred dollars, as well. 

Decidedly unfrugal: when we put our solar panels on, we increased the estimate from the solar company, to ensure we'd produce enough to offset the majority of our power bill. The cost of power has continued to rise, while production drops slightly over the lifetime of the panels. What does this mean? Once a year you get a "true up" power bill, and ours was over $1000 this year, which is both unexpected & not great. I need to start cleaning the panels at least once a month to increase production. I can't do much to change the cost of energy, but I can make sure our panels are producing as much as possible. Cleaning them is, as you can imagine, a PITA, but a task I can take on. 

What about you? Any wins to share?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Crossing off the nagging to dos

 I made some good progress yesterday, particularly on chores that have been lingering forever:

  • Finally resolved the error in my taxes that was blocking me from submitting federal & state returns. It had to do with a mismatch on a state code on a form from a bank, and was endlessly irritating. We owe a lot (severance pay is withheld at a lower rate than what we would normally have withheld), but at least I can mark this off of my to do list, and move on to DH's taxes, as well as helping the teens with their tax returns.
  • Called our insurance company & had our policy match the name of our trust. Apparently, your homeowner's insurance can decline claims if there is a mismatch between the names on the policy, and the deed of your house. We have our house in a trust, but the policy was just in our names. That's now been addressed, and I verified our fire insurance, which has been on the to do list forever.
  • My dad wants to create small investment account for his four grandsons. I needed to call & provide the company with some information. Finally got that squared away as well. 
  • Made banana muffins out of all of the lingering bananas in the freezer. They turned out really well.
  • Cleaned the house, minus the shower. That still needs to happen.
As for today:
  • Work out. A hike, as my workout class timing isn't great today.
  • Call with a recruiter.
  • Apply for two jobs
  • Appt with my rheumatologist
  • Pay doctor's bills
  • Work on DH's taxes
  • Clean shower
  • Shadow a class I'm teaching 
  • Add all of Nick's tennis matches to our family calendar
Any nagging tasks on your to do list?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Fitness Monday

 The weekend felt like it went by very quickly at our house. With Nick's soccer game, a long hike with a friend yesterday & lots of time spent on taxes! Working on taxes is always so fun. ;-) 

Here's how things are going on the fitness side:

Weight: I've lost .1 lbs since my previous low, for a total of 3.7 lbs for the year.

Steps per day: Last week I averaged 13,181 steps per day, an my current daily average is 12,436. This is lower than where I was a few weeks ago, as I had a few long driving days to Tahoe, a few days where I wasn't feeling well, etc. Luckily, I had almost 24k steps yesterday, which is greatly helping my average!

Calories: It's my goal to be around 1400 calories/day range consistently. Last time I checked in I was at 1,528 as the cumulative average for 2025. My daily average last week was 1,503, so slightly below my previous cumulative average, although still up a bit from my goal. My new 2025 cumulative average is 1,533. 

Workouts for the past week:

  • One day with no workout, when we drove back from Lake Tahoe
  • One day with a 30 minute elliptical workout in the hotel gym
  • 4 days of my 60 minute workout class
  • One very hard & hilly 8 mile hike with a friend
  • Plus, a couple of additional 2 mile strolls a few of the days
Overall nutrition: things weren't great while we were traveling, but now that I'm back home & in my routine, I've been doing really well. Of course, I leave on Friday for a trip to Colorado with Nick. Traveling always makes it challenging for me to stick to my goals, so I need to work on that. 

I'd give myself another "B". Goals for this week include: continue with planned workouts, ensure I get plenty of steps & workouts while traveling, keep my calories to 1300 on non-travel days, and 1500 on travel days. Increase fruit & veggie intake. 

How are you doing with your health & fitness?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Menu Plan Sunday

 It's not a very impressive menu planning week, but even putting the loosest plan together is very helpful for me, as I try to organize my life. 

  • Friday - we had lemon chicken from the freezer
  • Saturday - beef kebabs & rice
  • Sunday - garlic noodles with beef & broccoli
  • Monday - leftover lemon chicken & rice
  • Tuesday - kebabs
  • Wednesday - leftover garlic noodles with beef & broccoli
  • Thursday - wrap up any leftovers, or spaghetti & meatballs
  • Friday - DH will eat salmon, Nick & I will grab something at the airport lounge ahead of our flight to Colorado

What about you? What's on your menu for the week ahead?

Friday, February 21, 2025

Drumming up a small list for Frugal Friday

 Because, it wasn't the most frugal week!

  1. Cashed out some survey money
  2. Earned $970 through Costco rewards, and had that auto deposited to our savings account.
  3. Other than pizza on senior night (when there was really no time to cook food), I made meals when we had all of our guests. Tacos on the first night, taco salads for lunch the following day. Cheater pad thai from Costco + spring rolls for dinner on Thursday. Lunch of salad, baguette, various cheese & fruit for dinner on Friday. Pizza on Friday. Easy breakfast options every day. It did keep the costs way down from dining out, although our grocery bill was noticeably larger.
  4. Gave my dad a pair of shoes I bought for Sam & didn't fit properly (but, were beyond the return window). They fit him perfectly & he had just been discussing needing a new pair, which is what reminded me of these shoes.
  5. Received two days of free breakfast vouchers at the hotel we were staying at, thanks to my hotel status. 
What about you? Any wins to share?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Moving on

 The last week was a wild ride. We had a bunch of guests in town for Nick's senior night. My dad became very ill & we called an ambulance. He ended up being okay, but missed Nick's big event, which he was incredibly sad about. Nick's senior night was awesome, and I'm so grateful for our family & friends who helped us celebrate. On the flip side, I feel so lucky that my parents are both very healthy at 70+, and active grandparents. Very blessed that this was a minor issue. 

After everyone left, we headed out on a ski trip (Nick was planning to stay with a ton of friends/a few sets of parents) & M & I were going to have a belated mini Valentines trip at a hotel nearby. Nick ended up being really sick & staying with us in a hotel room designed for two. Heading home wasn't really an option, because sitting up in the car made him vomit. So, he slept in our room while we mostly hung out in the lobby. He's super devastated that he missed this final ski trip with his buddies. He's also recovering well. We also have ski passes we didn't use, and the money wasted burns a bit, but sometimes there's just not much you can do. 

I'm finding myself in a bit of a funk. I've been without a job for almost a year, and while that has been amazing in many ways, I need to develop better habits & routines. I'd like to find some sort of paid employment (my part-time job starts in April, which I think will be really helpful). I've lost some of my "mojo" & feel my motivation for many things waning a bit. 

Anyway, I think I'll give myself until the end of this week, because last week was A LOT, and then figure out what steps I want to put in place to "find" my motivation again.

Just wanted to check in, as it's been awhile. Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Frugal Friday

 Not much happening on the frugal front this week, but here's what's happening at our house. 

Saving on things we buy

  • Nothing exciting to report this week. I continued to upload all of our receipts to Fetch, which (ever so slowly) adds up to a bit here & there.

Earning money

  • Redeemed Swagbucks for a $25 Amazon gift card
  • Sold some vitamins that Amazon accidentally delivered to me & didn't want back, making $30
  • Redeemed survey money for $45

Avoiding spending

  • Picked up a free drink at Starbucks on my birthday
  • M picked me up from the airport on Sunday, which was in the middle of the Super Bowl. Luckily, he wasn't really into the game this year, and didn't mind. 

Eating what we have

  • Ate leftover burgers for dinner
  • Brought home leftovers from dinner out, and made that into lunch another day
  • Made a big taco meal for Wednesday night, to avoid eating out when my parents are in town. We had plenty of leftovers for lunches, and I froze about half of the meat I prepped. 

For others

  • Filled out monthly coach's reports for the students I'm mentoring, and had two mentoring calls this week
What about you? Any wins to share?

Monday, February 10, 2025

Menu Plan Monday

 I'm late to the party, as I was visiting Sam over the weekend. Always so nice to see my young adult! (I wanted to say baby, but we are long past that phase!)

Here's what's on the menu for the week (and, going through Sunday, as I need to get planned for a visit with family:

  • Friday - I took Sam & his roommate out for dinner at a place near the hotel. I had a Cobb salad
  • Saturday - Sam & I shared appetizers for dinner
  • Sunday - M grilled burgers
  • Monday - out to dinner for a birthday celebration
  • Tuesday - leftover burgers
  • Wednesday - my parents will be in town, but we will be getting home late from the game. I will have tacos prepped, so we can quickly eat. 
  • Thursday - chicken pad Thai + spring rolls (both from Costco), as we will be having 5 extra people staying with us
  • Friday - likely pizza, as we have Nick's senior night + a bunch of guests
  • Saturday - any leftovers from the week
  • Sunday - out, as we are going skiing
As you can see, it's a bit of a wild ride this week! What about you? What's on your menu this week? 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Frugal Friday

 Because I was sick for a lot of the week, we ate leftovers for multiple meals.  Not very exciting, but definitely saved some money. As a frugal fail, I did order a delivery meal. I used two promo coupons & it was still pricey. I was able to turn it into two meals for myself & one meal for Nick, so I suppose at least there's that. 

Saving on things we buy

  • While I was doing my taxes (oh boy!), I found a $25 multi use gift card. I went online & redeemed it for a Panera gift card, which we will definitely use. 
  • Used a $5/off a $25 purchase at CVS to buy some Valentine's & birthday items I needed. 
  • Used a $2 Rite Aid reward & picked up a few Valentine's treats to add to the boys Valentine's bags.

Earning money

  • I cashed out $40 from the survey site I use
  • Completed a $150 user study on travel
  • Sold a few items on eBay for ~$35 or so

Avoiding spending

  • Really wanted to buy lunch out after running a bunch of errands, but reminded myself that I'll be eating out over the weekend with Sam, and we have plenty of food at the house.
  • As the corollary to the above, used a Subway gift card to pick up food for myself & Nick on a busy day. No out of pocket spending. 
  • M is taking me to the airport this morning for my trip to Corvallis, saving me the cost of an Uber. 

Eating what we have

  • Used the lemons from our tree to make the delicious lemon pepper chicken earlier this week. Even my picky eater (Nick) ate it! Always a win when that happens. 
  • Ate lots of leftovers (tacos, lemon chicken, etc). The tacos had the bonus of also using up shredded cheese & salsa in the fridge.
  • Finished off a loaf of sourdough bread, making lots of sandwiches for Nick between soccer and tennis. 

For others

  • Helped out at a soccer game with some volunteering

Frugal fail:

  • I used Pirate Ship to mail a package to Sam, and it cut off the second line of his address (there is an extra line specifying his dorm), even though I added it. I didn't notice before I mailed it. It was never delivered & then three weeks later, made its way back to him. Wasted postage, and I guess I'll be bringing it to him myself this weekend. Bummer. Cautionary tale if you are using this service for less expensive postage. Now that I know, it looks like it's a common problem. 
What about you? Any wins to share?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February Goals

 The shortest month of the year is upon us! Time to get going on these goals. 


  • Continue to pay for Sam's college expenses
  • Get a new job
  • Earn $300 in side hustle
  • Pantry freezer challenge:
    • 1/2 freezer pizza
    • A bottle of dressing from the pantry
    • The rest of the holiday cheese
  • Estimate taxes & figure out a plan to pay for them
  • Continue to help Nick with final college decisions
  • Have a great visit with Sam
  • Optimize points, perks & miles for travel. Track value
  • Finalize Spain trip details
  • Enjoy Nick's senior year. Have a great visit with family when everyone visits for senior night (this includes lots of meal planning, prep, entertaining, house cleaning, sign making & travel logistics).
  • Lose 2 lbs
  • Strength train 15 days
  • No S diet 15 days
  • Average 12,000 steps/day
  • Meditate 10 times
  • Try a new workout
  • Language lessons 15 times
  • Declutter 50 items from the house
  • Look into a college class
  • Get together with friends x2
  • Play pickleball x1 (weather permitting)
  • Do something towards my goals of "Try something new & uncomfortable" & "Say yes to more adventures"

What are your goals for February? Let us know so we can cheer you on!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

January Goals Recap

 January simultaneously felt like a very long month, and parts of it went by too quickly (like, the parts where I was supposed to be productive!) 


  • Continue to pay for Sam's college expenses - yes
  • Work on finding a new job - I have a new part-time, side hustle job & am still looking for another job. Had an interview this week, and continue to apply.
  • Earn $300 in side hustle - crushed this, with $760. 
  • Monthly freezer/pantry challenge
    • 1/2 of the freezer pizza - no progress
    • 1 can of coconut milk - yes
    • Figure out what to do with all of the red curry paste - yes, used up the remaining jar & opened the giant tub in the pantry & made a start on that.
  • Make second property tax payment (majority from savings, cash flow $1500 of it) - yes
  • Decide if we need to do any college tours for Nick - Nick got into Boulder (one of his top choices), so we will be heading to Colorado at the end of Feb to do a tour of both Boulder and Fort Collins. 
  • Optimize points, perks & miles for travel. Track value - we used points for an expensive flight for Sam, I'm using points for my upcoming hotel stay while visiting Sam & we're using a free night award in a few weeks at Lake Tahoe. All told, $1355 of value. 
  • Plan Spain trip details & start looking at Italy options - I booked the trains for Spain, but we are moving Italy out to 2026. It's our 20th anniversary, but with Spain already in the cards (and, we are tied to a very specific timeline for that trip, due to expiring travel credits), it feels like too much to have two international trips in one year. We will likely go to Hawaii for our anniversary. 
  • Begin remodel discussions - no, and realistically this won't kick off until I get a job & we see what our income looks like. 
  • One date night with M - we had dinner & drinks one night in Lake Tahoe, while the boys had pizza. ;-) 
  • Lose 2 lbs - I lost 3.6 lbs
  • Strength train 15 days - 17/15
  • No S diet 15 days - 9/15
  • Meditate 10 times - 5/10
  • Try a new workout - nope
  • Language lessons 10 times - 19/10
  • Declutter 50 items from the house - 34/50
  • Look at college classes (for me) - nope
  • Get together with friends x2 - several walks, coffee & hikes
  • Play pickleball x1 - nope
  • For my "Try something new & uncomfortable" & "Say yes to more adventures" goals, start looking at opportunities for these - I agreed to go on an all day hike with a new friend group, but that's not until March
What about you? How did you do with your January goals?

Monday, February 3, 2025

(Not Much) Fitness Monday

I was sick for most of last week, and this cold is still lingering on! As a result, I've been much less active than usual, and have turned to easy & saltier food (why does salty food taste good when you're sick? I assume because your taste buds are kind of dulled, so therefore you need higher fat/salt food to really "taste" it, when you're not feeling well?) 

Anyway, for transparency (and, because it helps me as well), still posting about the previous week:

Weight: my weight stayed the same this week

Steps per day: I didn't do well on hitting my step goal this week, so my overall trend/cumulative average dropped. I'm now at 12,438 vs 13,019 as the average last week. That's a pretty big drop in just a week! Small steps really do add up, literally & figuratively. 

Calories: Last week my cumulative average for 2025 was 1,528. I'm at 1,509. My eating wasn't the best, but there were a few days I didn't eat much. 

Workouts for the past week:

  • 4 workout classes
  • 1 - 30 minute elliptical workout
  • A couple of days with bonus 2 mile walks
  • A couple of days where the only thing I did was walk ~1 mile
Overall nutrition: It was pretty poor this week. And, I tend to be a snacker when I'm stressed. I need to reduce my news consumption and focus on other ways to reduce stress. 

It was definitely a "C" type of week. Here's hoping this week is a week where I'm feeling better. 
Goals for the week:
  • Eliminate stress snacking
  • Eat more produce
  • Keep calories in check overall
  • Increase workouts back to previous level
  • Hit 12k steps/day
How did you do with your health & fitness last week?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Menu Plan Sunday

 I didn't do much cooking last week, so you can see a few carryovers from our previous menu. 

  • Friday: DH had the last of the chicken satay, & I had a bowl of popcorn. It was a rough week, with being sick!
  • Saturday: beef tacos (I had mine over a salad)
  • Sunday: garlic noodles with beef & broccoli (didn't get made last week)
  • Monday: carnitas (from the freezer) over salad
  • Tuesday: leftover tacos
  • Wednesday: orange chicken + fried rice
  • Thursday:lemon pepper chicken (the lemons on our tree are ready to be picked!) - also didn't get made last week
  • Friday: I'm off to visit Sam, so Nick & M will be on their own. I'm guessing they will have pizza, if Nick is even around at all. 
I also need to menu plan for next week, when we will be having a houseful!

What's on your menu this week? Have you tried any new recipes lately? Share & inspire us!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday Things

 I'm on the road to recovery, but still feeling pretty worn down, so today will be a taking it easy kind of day.

Here's what's on my list:

  • Help Nick with a volunteering form he needs to complete
  • Work on my taxes (what a treat that will be)
  • Pick up the house
  • Make tacos
  • Get some exercise, even if it's light (walking on the treadmill, etc)
  • Book Sam's return shuttle from the airport back to college for spring break
  • Apply for two jobs
  • Build a menu plan & shopping list
What about you? What are you hoping to accomplish today?