Sunday, December 23, 2018

Freezer Challenge - the vacation freezer edition

We had great success with our freezer challenge, so we'll try the vacation freezer edition now that we're at our vacation house. Unfortunately, we've been adding to the freezer here vs cleaning it out, so my freezer challenge is to avoid ADDING to the freezer, vs removing from the freezer. Here are a few things I want to make sure we use up while we're here:

  • A small bag of chicken nuggets
  • Two lonely taquitos 
  • Two frozen pizzas

And, here's our menu for the upcoming week or so:

  • Sunday, 12/23 - we are having salmon, rice & salad. 
  • Monday, 12/24 - (Christmas Eve). We'll be having lasagna. I'm in charge of bringing salad, a veggie tray & a few other things. 
  • Tuesday, 12/25 - (Christmas Day). We're having soup & salad, with garlic bread. 
  • Wednesday, 12/26 - We'll be having spaghetti & meatballs
  • Thursday, 12/27 - We'll be having guests at the house. I'm thinking tacos (meat from the freezer) + homemade chips & guacamole. We made homemade tortilla chips yesterday & they were amazing, so we'll try them again when we have my family over. 
  • Friday, 12/28 - We'll be having guests at the house. M will make a stuffed baguette with homemade chicken strips. 
  • Saturday, 12/29 - pizza from the freezer 
  • Sunday, 12/30 - salmon 
  • Monday, 12/31 - For New Year's Eve, we'll be having steak & mashed potatoes
I'll serve the two lonely taquitos & chicken nuggets to the kids for lunch one of the days. My goal for the vacation house is to use up the food we purchased, and not waste any, and minimize what we add to the freezer. I also am planning on doing a freezer & pantry inventory before we leave. I bought a few things that we didn't need (could have used things from the freezer or pantry). But, because we don't have an inventory & we shopped before arriving, we wasted money. So, that will be a goal for 2019 - to keep an updated inventory for the vacation house & ensure we're reducing waste.

That's it for the food related stuff. Here's what's on my to do list for today:
  1. Some sort of indoor workout. I brought DVDs from home, and the weather here is stormy, so an indoor workout it is
  2. Make shopping list for tomorrow, as we'll stop by the store on our way to Christmas
  3. Finalize packing list for tomorrow
  4. Laundry
  5. Finish wrapping all of the gifts
Hope you are all productive & relaxed today!

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