Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday plans

It looks like it's going to be a lovely day at our house, and I'd like to make it as productive as possible. Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish today:

  1. Go for a run. Seriously, must start my 1/2 marathon training plan
  2. Do a strength workout of some sort, or maybe pilates
  3. Make banana bread 
  4. Vacuum
  5. Clean the kitchen
  6. Have the kids clean the bathrooms
  7. Clean & hopefully get Nick's bike sold - finally!
  8. Package all eBay sales
  9. Get the kids rolling on homework & assignments for next week. 
  10. Spend time helping Sam with his planner
  11. Birthday thank you notes written
  12. Make pork carnitas
  13. Return a gift that we don't need
  14. Laundry
  15. Pack up all ski clothes & put away
  16. Journal
  17. Meditate
I think that will do. If that all gets done, I'd like to read my book for a bit! It's been a while.  What about you? What are you hoping to accomplish today?

1 comment:

  1. Hey get busy I think you should add a few things to that list girl.
