Thursday, February 28, 2019

February, a month where I didn't accomplish much

Usually I manage to make good progress against my monthly goals, but it just wasn't meant to be in February. Between getting sick on a business trip, and then being sick for an additional week, taking the kids skiing, & then coming back to work craziness... well, it was one of those months!

But, on to the recap of my goals for February:

1) Financial

  • Stick to the budget - shockingly, we were under our budget for all major categories (dining out, groceries, gas, etc). Woohoo!
  • Finalize house payoff model - we've made some progress, but this will be a continual work in progress. 
  • Come up with a new way to reduce what we need/spend on an ongoing basis - I've decided to do our taxes, which will save us about $700-750 this year
  • Discuss 3, 5 & 10 year financial plan options - we have a few plans in place, including what I've described as "worst case scenario". The rest will be finalized as my job plans (or lack thereof) firm up. 
  • Finish our taxes - 95% of the way there. I'll use the weekend to really finish. 
2) Family - spend more time together
  • Do a minimum of one fun activity/month with the kids - we went skiing together!
  • Be more present with the kids & M. Play games, minimize computer time, exercise together, etc. - we had a great ski vacation, but still struggle in the evenings. Nick & I also briefly went for a run together, so we had that as well. 
  • Have two dates with M - no, and this was a major failure that we need to resolve. We need time together!
3) Fitness/health
  • Run 8 times - with being sick, I managed only 3 runs. 
  • Track calories & eat five servings of fruit & vegetables/day - I was at 4.4
  • 28 workouts - I managed 17/28 workouts. 
  • 8 meditations - and, completed 5/8 meditations

4) Work/career - improve my work life balance

  • Keep better perspective at work/reduce stress until I leave- eh, I did okay with this. Mostly because I had a vacation in there. 
  • Finalize sabbatical time off plans - I finalized dates for a Hawaii trip, which means I'll now be able to make progress. 
  • Meditate, workout, journal in 5 minute blocks as time permits. Shooting for six each. - I did okay with this, and both meditated & wrote in my journal, tried to have walking meetings, but the weather wasn't great for that. 
5) Personal/creative
  • Do something social at least once per month - nope. Had lunch plans with a friend, but had to push it out to March. 
  • Volunteer 1x/month - nope. 
  • Finish organizing all print & digital photos - ha. Nope. Didn't even really touch this one. 
  • Write/journal 8 times - Yes! I journaled 9 times. 
  • Read one non-fiction book - I'm halfway through with "Daring Greatly", which I've enjoyed. 

And, that's it from my side. What about you? How did you do with your February goals? 


  1. I think you get a pass on most of these due to being sick :) we did well on our financial goals this month but not much else - hopefully we'll both have a better month in March!

  2. Some months are easier to manage than other. Be thrilled with the green, content with the yellow and shrug off the rest. March is coming with new opportunities.

  3. Heck if I live through the month I consider it a win!
    Don't be so hard on yourself....

  4. Travel, sick, two boys to cart? You accomplished plenty. February didn't feel productive to me though
