Friday, July 12, 2019

Frugal Friday

I'm starting today off strong, because I finally made & ordered our wedding album. And yes, it's been 14 years. ;-) But, it's done, and making photobooks was one of my projects for my sabbatical. I'm excited to see how this one turns out, and if it works well, I will keep going. Meanwhile, I'll continue to digitize all of our existing printed photos. I've also sorted them all, which was quite a project.

Yesterday I worked in the yard for four hours - until my arms gave out & I was too hot. I'm about to go outside & do more trimming! Looking forward to more progress.

Here's what we've been up to this week, in terms of frugal things.:

  • Made do with a salad kit that was past it's use by date for lunch. I picked out a few things, but otherwise it was fine.
  • Bought Sam's camping trip gear at Target, using a gift card.
  • Returned a few things I didn't need.
  • Listed four items on eBay, and three items on our local neighborhood swap.
  • Made banana muffins out of a few overly ripe bananas that didn't survive the car trip back from the Oregon coast. 
  • Offered a friend a ride to camp for her son, saving her time & money. 
  • Used a $100 coupon code, and $330 travel credit for our holiday flights, paying around $200/pp (after those discounts). A great deal compared to what we've paid before!
  • Met M for lunch at work, so free impromptu date!
  • All meals eaten at home (save for free meals at work & camp)
  • Carpooled with a friend for camp, so we both saved on gas/driving time
  • Found a coupon code for a light fixture we were planning to order, & then went through Raise & ebates for a gift card to further defray the cost.
  • Hosting Nick's friend this afternoon for lunch & swimming, to help out his mom, as she has to work & camp ends at noon. Trying to pay it forward this summer!
What about you? What frugal things have you been up to this week?


  1. Sounds like a good and frugal week. Congratulations on getting your wedding album done. I hope all of your items sell. We sold a crockpot on the Facebook marketplace this week. Kudos to you for paying it forward this summer. I hope Nick and his friend have a great time. :)

    1. Yay for a Facebook market sale - it's always great to feel like you're making progress!

  2. Excellent idea to pay it forward, as you well know it is difficult to juggle family/life/work sometimes. of my two projects left. I did back up all our digital photos online (some in google docs and rest in onedrive which we have 1 terrabite of space since we use office 365 :) Also backed up all our info from 2 laptops. Need to keep this up to date. I also need to drag up the box of photos from the crawlspace to continue on scanning. What is nice is when I am done I can just email all the kids access so they can have whatever photos they want too, both google docs and one drive allow for that on a per folder basis (in case you didn't know lol I am sure you do)

    1. Oh, I am so aware of the childcare/camp/life/work scramble, and it's so strange/refreshing/awesome not to have to worry about it this summer, & to be able to help out others.

      I like your plan for making the pictures available to your family. I'll be able to share once I have albums digitally created as well.

  3. Nice frugal week and I agree about paying it forward.
    I say I am going to organize all of our photos, plus we have all of TheHubs parents photos. I think it might be a good fall project.

    1. It's more work than I expected, that's for sure!

  4. It's a good feeling to be able to help out and then know th ehelp will be reciprocated. I love those salad kits, but they seem to wither fast-good save.

    1. The salad kits have been my go to lunch this summer. The salad topped with a lean protein leftover of some sort. It's flexible, and reasonably healthy.
