Sunday, May 31, 2020

May goals recap, how did I do?

It's the end of another month of staying at home, so let's look back & see how that's impacting my goals.

Despite everything happening right now, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm focused on the things I can control and influence, I'm on a low news diet (for my own mental health & well being) & setting achievable goals.

I like to see progress, so each month, I intentionally set goals that allow me to measure progress in the categories that are most important. Here's how I did in May.

1) Financial

  • Stick to the budget, & rebuild plan for taxes due - done. We were over in groceries, and under elsewhere. 
  • Pay down our mortgage to our next milestone. - Way over delivered!
  • No clothing purchases for me. - Bought a new sports bra. I've been working out a lot, and my old ones are finally stretching out the point of being unusable. Some are 10+ years old, so they've lasted, but eventually have to be replaced.
  • Make $200 in side hustle. - I made $466 on 24 eBay/local neighborhood swap sales! I've been listing at least one item every day, and it's paid off. I've had a few snafus with shipping charges, but generally, this has been a very positive thing for me. I love the cycle of decluttering, earning money, and typically use the drop off at the postal box for exercise. So, it's a triple win. 
  • Keep working through freezer/pantry clean out. 10 items out of pantry/freezer
    • Mini naan bread - almost gone
    • Mozzarella sticks - used
    • Heavy cream - froze remainder
    • Pine nuts - used some for parsley pesto
    • Tahini - no progress
    • Lipton onion soup mix - no progress
2) Family
  • Find time to take the boys to socially distanced activities - so much tennis! They've played a lot, and I've played with them twice
  • Off the computer by 7:30 each evening (not counting reading) - I've been reading a ton. But, it's tempting to check other tabs. I really, really need to continue to focus on not reading the news at night.
  • Have a weekly half our alone with M. - Going well, mostly walking or sitting outside talking.
  • Schedule monthly calls with M's family - we've been sharing videos, due to time zones.
  • Two hours of practicing Farsi or Spanish - lots of Duolingo Spanish practice! Unfortunately, Duolingo doesn't offer Farsi.
  • Make revised summer plans - eh, where we can. A lot of places (summer camps) still haven't announced plans, so we haven't been able to finalize anything beyond June.

3) Fitness/health

  • Lose 3 lbs - lost .8 of a lb. However, I tried on all of my jeans yesterday, and all of them fit! I had a few more "aspirational" jeans, and even those fit. A couple pair were still snug, but even being able to wear them shows some progress.
  • Work out every day in May - yes! 
  • Track calories. Aim for 1400 calories/day - 1621. Which is, interesting, exactly my calories in April. Exactly! 
  • Complete 1200 minutes of cardio, 10 strength & 5 stretching workouts - I picked up the running quite a bit, and didn't balance as well as I should have. Crushed the cardio goal with 1,870 minutes (may be a personal record), but only had 2 strength & 4 stretching workouts. 
  • Meditate 20 times - I only meditated 9 times. I can tell the difference, and with the state of the world, the current US situation, and my own stress level, I need to get back to this.
  • Run 10 times - I ran 16 times! I'm so happy I was able to get back to a consistent running schedule
4) Personal
  • Stay connected with friends - we did a weekly happy hour, and I also did a (virtual) lunch with a friend
  • Volunteer - I volunteered for a study at work
  • Journal 25 times - I journaled every day in May, so 31 times
  • Adapt a more positive mindset - I'm doing okay, but ... these are some challenging times. I'm focused on things I can control & reducing media consumption.
  • Listen more often vs talking - working on this
  • Reduce swearing - eh, hit or miss
  • Read one non-fiction book - nope. I ready a TON this month (25+ books), but no non-fiction
  • Compliment M every day - yes
  • Support the kids with online learning - yes, and we are caught up with all missing assignments. Two days left in the grading period!
  • One project/day (taking advantage of the WFH situation) - yes, I've done this. Everything from re-organizing areas of the house, to yard work, to cleaning crystal. I push myself to use the time at home. 

I've been more productive during this time than during my sabbatical. In some ways, that makes sense, as there was lots of traveling during my sabbatical. I've been able to build up a very consistent routine lately, because there are no competing demands on my time. I've also realized that a more relaxed schedule (not to the point we're at now, but somewhere between now and our previous life) is really useful for everyone. We'll have to figure out how to keep some of that, after life returns to the new normal.

What about you? How did you do with your goals in May?


  1. Look at all that green! You have done well this month my friend.

  2. Every time I see you type WFH my mind says WTF (sorry!) lol. Just trying to get better - that will be my June goal. All other bets are off.

  3. Wow I love how organized you are! I love your goal updates!
