Monday, September 4, 2023

Menu Plan Monday

Getting back into the swing of things, post COVID. There was a lot of takeout, and I'm happy to get back into eating home prepped food. 

  • Friday - ground beef tacos 
  • Saturday -  orange chicken & fried rice
  • Sunday - chicken fajitas
  • Monday - creamy chicken & orzo skillet
  • Tuesday - leftover tacos
  • Wednesday - leftover fajitas
  • Thursday - leftover chicken & orzo
  • Friday - any remaining leftovers, or pizza
What about you? What's on your menu this week? It's expected to cool off this weekend, which makes prepping & cooking food a bit more appealing!


  1. It has turned rainy here in the PNW, and a bit chilly...but, of course, the sun had to be brutal while I picked apples and blueberries from the farm on Saturday. It was hot! We had barbecued chicken, corn on the cob and salad on Saturday. Sunday was grilled steaks, salad, and more corn. (A kid felt like an adventure, so we went out after dark to an honor system roadside stand and bought more ears.) This week will see ground beef burritos, risotto, tuna casserole, baked salmon, chowder, and a roast beef tenderloin on Sunday. No idea which day which meal will occur, and I have one day with nothing planned, because I need to process those apples--I am considering making home canned apple pie filling, as we still have applesauce leftover from last year's crop.

    1. Barbecued chicken sounds fabulous! I adore risotto, but since my husband can't eat carbs, it's one of our previous favorites that was cut from our standard menu rotation. I miss it.

      I made a big batch of applesauce & used the applesauce for muffins. Yum!

    2. My husband claims he doesn't like risotto, but I ignore that because he knows nothing about food. Also, he always seems to enjoy it when I make it, provided I use loads of garlic. I honestly believe he thinks risotto is that stuff that comes out of, say, a "Rice A Roni" box, and doesn't recognize what I make as risotto. As I said, he knows nothing about food.The kids all love it, though I confess that they were skeptical when I first made it. Do you can your applesauce? Regardless, picture me bowing from the north in honor of your seemingly boundless energy!

    3. I'm too lazy to can, and just freeze the applesauce. We primarily use it for muffins, although Sam will happily eat it on its own.

  2. It all sounds delicious especially the Mexican choices. I know I'm going to make grilled chicken one day with a Pico de Gallo topping. Probably soup beans and cornbread another night and I have a whole chicken thawing in the fridge right now too. I hope you have a good week and I'm glad to hear you are post Covid. I hope you don't have any of the lingering side effects either..

    1. So far, just a little more tired than usual, but otherwise, feeling good. I'm hoping to be back to more regular workouts & higher energy level next week.

      Pico de gallo is a favorite around here. When I make it, I make a triple batch, and we can still go through it pretty quickly.
