Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October goal check

As usual, the month is flying by. I love checking on my goals throughout the month, because it's motivating to see where I'm doing well, & reminds me to get back on track on other goals.

  1. Lose 3 lbs. I'm currently at 144.8, so I'd like to close down the month at 141.8 - I'm currently down .4 lbs, so making some progress, albeit slowly.
  2. Continue to track all of my eating in My Fitness Pal. - On track!
  3. Avoid snacks at work. One of my coworkers has about 20-25 bowls of candy, nuts, bars, & treats out every day. I realized I was spending a ton of my calories on those candies, & I've decided to avoid the work snacks until January. I'm hoping that helps me break the habit entirely. - On track!
  4. Complete 1000 minutes of cardio, 6 strength, & 6 stretching (pilates or yoga) workouts. - I'm at 275 minutes for cardio, 2 for strength, & 0 for stretching. Need to step all of this up.
  5. Save $1500 for Christmas. - Coming out of the 10/30 paycheck, so should see this at the end of the month.
  6. Stick to our monthly budget for October. - We're up in a few categories, so I may need to rebalance.
  7. Continue my job search, & send my resume out to 3 positions, and do at least 3 informationals. - Sent out resume to 4 teams, had 3 informationals, & doing 2 interviews this week. Blowing this away! :-) 
  8. Have one date night with M. - We're tying this to our anniversary, & it will be the third week of October.
  9. Clean my closet + our coat closet. - Not started.
  10. Research the Portland/Vancouver real estate market. - No progress, although have a call next week with a local contact.
  11. Meal plan every week in October. - Yes, but some of these are very simple meals, as M is traveling A LOT this month.
  12. Plan our holiday/vacation plans & ensure that we have child care when school is out. - Still working on this, but will likely change based on my job switch (if it happens.)

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