- Financial
- Meet with a financial advisor - nope. Probably not going to happen. I have a very specific goal that we are working toward.
- Save $50,000 towards a downpayment for a house in California - we are not saving towards this goal, but we are well above this is our savings account. We're saving it for other things.
- Put $10,000 in the boys college accounts - we scaled this back, in light of other financial goals. We put $2500 in.
- Pay $55,000 towards our mortgage principal(s) - we're at $28K, so definitely not going to hit this. But, we're saving for me to leave my job.
- Save for our 2015 travel budget in advance - done.
- Stick to our monthly & yearly budgets - For our monthly budget, we are at 75% spent, with 79% of the year elapsed, so we are under our budget!!! For the yearly budget, we are at 68% of budget (excluding taxes ;-))!!!!!
- Re-plan our yearly budget categories - Yes! I have two budgets - while I'm working, and after for 2016. This is both our yearly & monthly categories.
- Family
- Look for more opportunities to have fun with the family. - I don't think I've done a terribly good job at this. We've done a lot of fun things, but we're also really busy and enjoy down time.
- Be more present with the kids. - eh? I'm pretty good until the later part of the evening, and then I'm so exhausted, I'm like a zombie.
- Come up with a five year plan that minimizes my need to work in my career (open to other work options). - Oh, yes! And, I've accelerated this to be June of 2016.
- Fitness/health
- Lose 10 pounds, bringing my weight to 135. If this goal sounds similar to last year's, that's because it is. I managed to lose 8 lbs, and then gained it back during the second half of the year. Sigh. - :-( That's all I'll say. I've gained 4 pounds. The traveling, jet lag, breaking of my routine does me no good.
- Run another half marathon. - I was supposed to run one this weekend, but I'm headed to Beijing. I will not be training for a half this year. I still have another week long trip. Not only are the trips an issue, I'm very jet lagged when I get back & have a hard time getting back into my routine.
- Track my food/exercise every day. - So far, yes.
- Complete 10,000 minutes of cardio - I'm at 70% complete, with 79% of the year elapsed, so I need to pick up the pace.
- Complete 100 strength workouts. - Yes! I'm already at 107 strength workouts!
- Complete 75 stretching workouts. - Definitely no. I'm at 15. :-(
- Work/career
- Keep better perspective at work/reduce stress. - I haven't reduced my stress, but I have a plan. :-)
- Reduce my hours. - definitely not. But, ditto above.
- Giving back
- Figure out a way to volunteer. I'd like to volunteer at the boy's school, as it's important for me to be connected. But, the hours are terrible. I need to be a bit more creative about options. - I've volunteered twice this year. So, some, but definitely not what I'd like.
- Increase our charitable giving by 25% - oh yes! We've doubled our charitable giving.
- House
- Declutter each room in the house - yes!
- Clean out the garage - we did about half of it, before M threw it in the towel. Considering it took us 10 years to get to that, I'll take it. I'll keep the task, because we have more work to do.
- Personal/creative
- Have one date night with M per month - yes!
- Learn a new skill. I'm thinking of learning a new language, but would be fine with anything: sewing, knitting, expanding my baking, etc. - I haven't done any of this. I forgot about this goal, to be totally honest.
- Make time for my friends! Do something social at least once per month. - I've done something most months, so I'll give myself a .75
- Read 50 books. - I've definitely read more than 50 books!
Looking at this, I can definitely figure out where I haven't spent my time this year (cough *my health & fitness*). It's so good to check in & remember what I still have to do, with just 2.5 months to go. What about you? Did you set goals for 2015? How are they going?
Your whole future potentially changed so don't beat yourself over the goals. I love that you now have a plan to spend more time with your family, work less and be happier. It takes a little time to get there but it will happen for you. I didn't set any goals this year, but things are still working out fine (although I could definitely lose more weight).