Saturday, August 1, 2020

July goals recap

Another month is over! Can't believe how quickly July went by, despite COVID.

Here's how I did with my monthly goals.

1) Financial
  • Stick to the budget - well, with the remodel, not so much. But, much better progress on groceries. Dining out has been a bit hit or miss due to the remodel, but overall our food budget is significantly lower this month. Hurrah!
  • Pay down our mortgage to the next milestone - Yes!
  • No clothing/shoes purchases for me - Yes!
  • Make $500 in side hustle - Crushed this goal with $961.
  • Work through freezer/pantry clean out (10 random items out) - we've used up so many freezer items as part of our remodel! Less on the pantry side, but giving us a pass given huge freezer progress. 
  • Call to set up will/guardianship appointment - No, and I'm rolling this one forward
2) Family
  • Find time to take the boys to one socially distanced activity per day (walking, tennis, etc) - mostly, yes. 
  • Off the computer by 7:30 each evening (not counting reading) - I've lost some of the good habits I've made & need to get back to this. 
  • Have a weekly half hour alone with M - Yes
  • Schedule a call with M's family - No, and I need to make this happen
  • Two hours of practicing Spanish or Farsi - Yes!
  • Make finalized revised summer plans, taking into account home projects - yes, done!

3) Fitness/health

  • Lose 2 lbs - I gained a bit in June while at our vacation house, so lost that in July, for a maintenance month. I'll take it!
  • Work out every day, minus travel day home. Do 2 daily doubles to offset. - I got in 32 workouts!
  • Track calories & aim for 1440 calories/day - yikes, no. My calories are at 1627. I did track. 
  • Complete 1400 minutes of cardio, 10 strength & 5 stretching workouts - 1160, 3 & 3, respectively. 
  • Meditate 20 times - this one fell way off my radar, and I meditated only 2x.
  • Run 15 times - I ran 13 times. 

4) Personal/creative
  • Do something social at least 2x/month (virtually is okay) - Yes
  • Volunteer - I'm volunteering in a few ways at work
  • Journal 25 times - every day, so 31 journal entries!
  • Improve myself
    • Judge less - always a work in progress
    • Listen more often (talking less) - slight improvement noticed
    • Reduce/eliminate swearing - eh, about the same
  • Read one non fiction book - I've been reading, but haven't finished my current non-fiction book
  • Compliment M every day - I think this has happened almost every day. I'm actively thinking about it/working on it. 
  • Build a plan for the new school year - we're waiting for schools to announce specifics, but have added in some supplemental activities for the kids. 
  • Complete one project/day (taking advantage of WFH) - yes

How about you? How did you do with your July goals? 


  1. There is very little red and you can move forward to August. Well done I' recapping Monday-not very much progress on my list.

  2. Sounds like you did a good job on your goals, your food budget was lower, which is great especially considering you don't have a kitchen right now.

  3. You had a terrific month! Kudos to you.
