Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A little bit of structure

I just completed a personality profile course for work, so lately the way I accomplish things & my communication style is very much at the top of my mind. I'm a highly organized person, & take great satisfaction out of accomplishing things. I'm very goal driven, & like to see progress measured daily, monthly, as frequently as possible. Now, this is not always a good thing. I'm VERY impatient & get frustrated when things move at a slower pace. . . say, paying off a long-term debt, achieving a savings, goal, etc.

This "race" to get things done can also lead me to overlook the small stuff, like snuggling cute boys.

Learning to live a bit more in the moment is something I'm actively working on. In the meantime, I try to be as efficient as I possibly can, which allows me to both: accomplish (most) of what I want/need to get done, as it also frees up more time to enjoy time with my kiddos.

I'm also figuring out how to take satisfaction in things that cannot be measured, and alternatively, figuring out how to motivate myself on projects that are long range. I'm no expert at this, but tend to break my goals into very specific measurables. Speaking of which, I'll be posting my 2013 goals soon. I'm excited about the year ahead.

What is your style for getting things done? If you share my "quirks", how do you stay/feel motivated for long range tasks?


  1. I am the exact same! I have so much trouble staying motivated for long-range tasks because I get bored and discouraged when I feel like I'm not making any progress.

    The only solution I've thought of is to break it up into smaller increments. So, when I was saving for my $10,000 emergency fund, I made savings graphs for each $1,000 so it didn't seem so intimidating and there was more gratification.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what other tips people have though.

    1. Hi Debt-Free - that's how I attempt to handle longer range goals, but I'm not as good with things that you can't measure. I, of course, understand the intrinsic value of spendign time with family, etc, but sometimes it's hard for me to remember that in the moment, when I'm churning through a long list of things to do.

  2. I'm an A person too. I have to get things done and they need to be done my way. That said, I have mellowed a bit in my old age. Well, is 40 old? It kind of feels old.
    I'm sure that you will find balance. It seems what our lives are about-finding a way to get it all done and be fair to ourselves and others.
    I can't wait to see what you have planned for 2013!

    1. I'm nearing the big 4-0, & I think it's very youthful! ;-)

  3. That. Is. Too. CUTE! I find that some of my goals are too big-picture like, so it makes it difficult to break into pieces... I seem to be of an obsessive achiever, so I've found out, so they make my goals rather challenging to plan for. Also, I am the kind that if I'm stuck in traffic (for example), I'll just sigh and give up. I mean, I can't make traffic go any faster by getting upset. Same outlook I give to my goals; if they're moving slow or moving the opposite direction, I'll sigh it out. It may take longer, but I'll eventually get there.

    1. That's me, Tanner - an obsessive achiever! And yes, I get caught up in not dealing with larger (or, quite frankly, more challenging goals) because I haven't broken them down in smaller tasks. I feel you!
